Drew Quote #38

Quote from Drew in Everybody Hates Malvo

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Before people had TVs in every room, families had to watch television the old fashion way. By taking turns.
[Drew walks up to the TV and turns the TV over to an ice hockey game from the music show Tonya was watching. She turns it back with the remote and they go back and forth switching it.]
Tonya: Stop!
[Drew walks over and sits down on the couch. He grabs the remote from Tonya and changes the channel again.]
Tonya: Mama, Drew keeps changing the channel.
Drew: I told her I was gonna let her watching right after I got the hockey score.
Rochelle: Look, I don't care what y'all watching long as y'all done when Sue Simmons comes on Live at Five.


 ‘Everybody Hates Malvo’ Quotes

Quote from Julius

Julius: Hey, everybody. I got a surprise. A Betamax.
Drew: Didn't they stop making those?
Julius: They sure did. That's how I got it for half off.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] The only time my father ever brought something new home was when it was old to everybody else.
Rochelle: I asked for a sewing-machine! What the hell is this?
Julius: A loom.
Rochelle: What is that?
Julius: A stove.
Rochelle: Well, if that's a stove, where's the witch?
Rochelle: I asked for a car. What the hell is this?
Julius: A rickshaw. That's Rick. [An Asian man waves]

Quote from Doc

Doc: Now, come on, let's finish up these sketches.
Chris: Yeah, so, how did you learn to do this anyway?
Doc: I started painting nude portraits to meet chicks. Then I got good at it.
Chris: A little darker under the eyes.
Doc: Okay. Now, is that him?
Chris: Yeah, that's him.
Doc: Chris, that's Al Jarreau. Come on now, you got to focus. Every time we do this, it comes out different. Now, first time, this one looked like... Yeah, ain't that look like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? And that's George Jefferson. And ain't that Lionel Richie? Come on Chris. Let's just start over.

Quote from Rochelle

Julius: What?
Rochelle: "I'm just trying to tape my stories, blah, blah, blah." Julius, she's eleven, she made a mistake.
Julius: So what? Now, I can't get mad? You get mad all the time!
Rochelle: Exactly. But everybody's used to it. If I did half the things I threaten to do, don't you think I would have been in jail a long time ago?
[fantasy: Rochelle is in a jail cell with another woman:]
Prisoner: What are you in for?
Rochelle: Knocking my kids' nostrils off.