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Everybody Hates Playboy

‘Everybody Hates Playboy’

Season 1, Episode 20 - Aired April 27, 2006

Chris finds a Playboy magazine in Julius's toolbox and takes it to school. Meanwhile, Julius finds Rochelle has a secret stash of money.

Quote from Tonya

Tonya: Drew, guess what I found?
Drew: What?
[Drew screams as he sees Tonya is holding a plastic spider]
Rochelle: What the hell is going on in here?
Drew: Tonya has a spider.
Tonya: No, I don't.
Rochelle: Tonya, what are you hiding?
Tonya: It's just a ring.
Rochelle: Leave Drew alone. Would you like it if he went around scaring you all the time?
Tonya: He can't scare me. I like spiders. And I ain't scared of nothing.
Rochelle: Mmm-hmm.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] There was only one thing Tonya was scared of, and Drew knew it.


Quote from Julius

Julius: [to Drew] You got that?! And if I ever catch you scaring your sister or wearing lipstick again, we going to have a problem. You hear me?
Rochelle: [to Tonya] All right, baby, you can go back to bed now. I changed your sheets.

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