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Everybody Hates Christmas

‘Everybody Hates Christmas’

Season 1, Episode 11 - Aired December 15, 2005

When the water heater breaks in the run up to Christmas, Julius and Rochelle tell Chris he won't be getting a present this year. Meanwhile, Drew ruins the magic of Christmas for Tonya.

Quote from Tonya

Boy: That's her. She said Santa can't come to our house, 'cause all we have is space heaters. And Santa can't come through a space heater.
Woman: What kind of children are you raising? This girl's going around town crushing dreams.
Rochelle: I-
Woman: Is that what you want her to be? A dream crusher?
Rochelle: No, but you-
Woman: That girl needs to be stopped.
Rochelle: Tonya!
Tonya: It's the truth!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Normally, my mama would smack the grease out of Tonya's hair. But she couldn't smack her for telling the truth.


Quote from Greg

Greg: What's that?
Chris: My mom made me bring all this stuff back. It proves that we can afford to donate food.
Greg: Hey, look I got something for you.
Chris: Thanks! What's this?
Greg: Open it.
Chris: "Computer Games." Who is it?
Greg: George Clinton. There's a song on there, "Atomic Dog", I heard on the radio. It's really funny.
Chris: You think I'll like it?
Greg: I don't know. When you finally do get your Walkman, at least you'll have a tape.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I always liked that Greg was so optimistic. To this day, he still thinks Al B. Sure's gonna make a comeback.

Quote from Chris

Rochelle: Chris, this one is for you, baby.
Chris: Is it a new album?
Julius: Open it and find out. They were giving those away at the doctor's office I deliver papers to. I thought you could use it for school.
Chris: Thanks. I will.
Drew: Hey, Chris, what'd you get?
Chris: A calendar.
Tonya: A calendar?
Chris: Yeah, that's what I wanted. See, now, look here. Did you know that May is High Blood Pressure Month?
Drew: No.
Chris: Would if you had a calendar.
Rochelle: See? All y'all should ask for calendars next year.
Julius: That's a good idea.

Quote from Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] What now? I don't get New Year's?
Rochelle: [kisses Chris on the forehead] Thank you.
Chris: For what?
Julius: For the way you've handled not getting what you wanted. You've really made us proud, man.
Chris: Drew and Tonya are kids. They need Christmas presents more than me.
Rochelle: You know, you're really growing up, Chris. It's kind of nice having another man around the house.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] It was weird. That morning with my parents felt better than any gift I ever got.
Julius: Here you go.
Chris: What's this?
Julius: Toy store coupon. 50% off. It's good till March.

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