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Episode Two

‘Episode Two’

Season 1, Episode 2 - Aired January 11, 2018

Erin and friends look for ways to earn some money for a school trip to Paris. Meanwhle, Uncle Colm recounts the story of how two gunmen forced their way into his house.

Quote from Erin

Erin: There is also some gardening, mowing a lawn, etc. This will require a bit of muscle so... [James smiles] you should take that one, Orla.
James: No, I should do that one. It's a man's job, Erin. I am a man.
Michelle: That's debatable.
James: Well, I am more of a man than Orla.
Orla: I do not accept that.


Quote from Orla

Erin: So, that leaves dog walking and washing a car.
Orla: Is it a Renault Clio?
Erin: No.
Orla: I'll take the dogs.

Quote from Orla

Michelle: So, not only are we not going to Paris, we are spending our Sunday scrubbing Fionnula's fucking fish hall for free.
Erin: Aye, and she will be back from yoga soon so get a shift on.
Michelle: It is slave labour, Erin.
Orla: It is worse than slave labour. We're not even getting paid.
Erin: Look, mammy had to cut some sort of deal.
James: Would living without fried food really be so bad?
All: Yes!

Quote from Aunt Sarah

Sarah: Oh, for God's sake, Mary, would you look? You're missing my big moment.
Sarah: [on TV] Two gunmen of roughly the same height kicked his door down and tied him to the radiator with his own shoelaces. He barely had those shoelaces a week, John. They threatened him with physical violence, they threatened to burn his house down...

Quote from Michelle

Michelle: She wouldn't have actually banned it, she was bluffing.
Clare: She is not bluffing, Michelle. Didn't she ban the McGuigan twins?
Michelle: Seriously?
Orla: Sure, that's why they lost all the weight.
Michelle: Right, girls. No dicking about. We need to leave this place fucking spotless.

Quote from Michelle

Erin: Of course, Beckett lived in Paris, and if anybody's influenced my writing, it is...
Michelle: Brenda Beckett from 12A?
Erin: No, not Brenda Beckett. Beckett Beckett.

Quote from Ma Mary

Erin: Are you telling me I don't have a trust fund?
Mary: There you go. You're are not as slow as you look.
Orla: Do I have a trust fund, Mary?
Mary: Listen, girls, there are no trust funds. There are no funds, period.
Erin: For God's sake!

Quote from Orla

Orla: And I want 12 chicken nuggets, a small battered hot dog, plenty of onions, plenty of...
Erin: Get a move-on, Daddy. At that chippy, well, it's every man for himself on a Friday night.
Gerry: I am trying to concentrate here, Erin.

Quote from Michelle

Erin: I'm not sure if I'd be suited to any of these. They're very practical and I'm just more creative.
Michelle: You're more of a slabber.
[Another girl takes a flyer off the bulletin board]
Michelle: Fuck's sake. I think other people are on to this thing, girls.
Fionnula: Oi! I'll not ask you again!
Michelle: A large cowboy, Fionnula. And don't be shy with the salt, now.

Quote from Ma Mary

Erin: Or diabolique, as they say in France.
Mary: Or, "You are still not going to Paris", as they say in Derry.

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