Sam Quote #770

Quote from Sam in Diamond Sam

Diane: Oh, there's something shiny!
Sam: No. Just another paper wrapper.
Diane: Oh, look at us. We're filthy.
Sam: Yeah. By the way, I hate that dress.
Diane: Considering the circumstances under which it was obtained, it's hardly one of my favorites anymore.
Sam: Well, okay. Then I can count on you not wearing it when you visit me in the poorhouse that you put me in.
Diane: Oh, Sam, get off it.
Sam: No, no, no, wait a second. Le- Let's tally up the damages here. The first ring was $1,200. The box was $290. Four lovely pink frocks was a mere $950. The, uh, damages on the car will be at least a grand. And let's not forget about the $5,200 bite I was hoping to avoid in the first place. Bringing it to a grand total of $9,000 for a ring I no longer have.
Diane: Well, I hasten to add that this was all of your own volition.
Sam: Ah.
Diane: $290 for the box?
Sam: Yeah. Do you like do you like corn on the cob?


 ‘Diamond Sam’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Well, Diane, Sam, congratulations to both of you. Diane, I hope you're planning to stay for the entire ceremony this time. Ours was... [laughs] Ours was very touching, I thought.

Quote from Carla

Carla: Where is Sam?
Diane: "Where is Sam?" [quietly] I think she's starting to relate to her environment again.
Frasier: Well, I think we've made great progress. Carla, can you tell me who Sam is?
Carla: Of course. He's my boss.
Frasier: Did you know that he is now engaged to be married?
Carla: Yes. I'm very happy for him.
Frasier: See how well we've done?
Diane: Carla... who is the charming soul that has agreed to marry him?
Carla: Norm.
Frasier: Well, I'm not the miracle worker.

Quote from Woody

Sam: Due to our desire to be... What?
Diane: Conjoined.
Sam: Conjoined, uh hey, well, Diane and l, uh, would like you to, uh, celebrate with us by, uh, toasting our nuptials.
Woody: Ouch.
Sam: No, no, Woody, it's, uh...