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Norm, Is That You?

‘Norm, Is That You?’

Season 7, Episode 6 - Aired December 8, 1988

After Norm helps decorate Frasier and Lilith's apartment, he adopts a new personality to win over their yuppy friends.

Quote from Norm

Norm: Oh, hi, what's going on? Hi.
Lilith: Kim and Robert Cooperman, I'd like you to meet our decorator, Norman Peterson.
Norm: Hi.
Kim: How do you do, Norman?
Norm: Great. You know, this is the last cold beer. We could split it or something?
Robert: No, thanks, we're taken care of.
Norm: Okay, well, suit yourself, huh?


Quote from Norm

Lilith: Sit down everybody. It's beautiful and functional.
Norm: You know, uh, Frasier told me a little bit about your place, so I did take the liberty of, uh, jotting down a few ideas.
Robert: Uh... Excuse me. Are those cocktail napkins?
Norm: Yeah, I'm sorry, did you need one?
Robert: No.
Lilith: Veggie pate?
Norm: Oh, yes, yes, please. I'm on empty over here. [stuffs his face] Anyway I heard your place is pretty modern, you know? And most of your stuff is kind of gray. So I thought, maybe, you know, some, you know, color would be good.
Kim: Uh, actually, we hadn't totally sold ourselves on the concept of change.
Norm: Oh. You could keep, uh, some of your old stuff, and, you know, throw in some new stuff, too. Um... Fras, uh, could you, uh, help me with this wall treatment?
Lilith: Sushi? I rolled it myself.

Quote from Woody

Rebecca: I've got to weigh myself.
Woody: Oh, we got your scale back here.
Rebecca: What's it doing behind the bar?
Woody: We needed it to settle an argument about how much Mr. Clavin's brain weighs.

Quote from Norm

Kim: Good, he's here. Hello, Norman!
Norm: What's going on? Oh, hi. No, no, no, let's, uh, let's sit up here. Um, well, Dick and, uh, Tracy. How did you ever track me down?
Robert: It's the address on the cocktail napkin you did your sketches on.
Norm: You're good.
Kim: You know, Norman, we've never been in a gay bar before.
Norm: Yeah.
Kim: It seems just like a regular bar.
Robert: Oh, honey. Look at those two.
[Woody is wrapping his hands around Cliff's head]

Quote from Norm

Norm: Kids, this is Sam Malone. Sam Malone, this is Kim and Robert Cooperman.
Robert: Pleased to meet you.
Kim: You sure do make a cute couple.
Norm: Just accept the compliment, honey.
Sam: Thanks.
Kim: I have a confession to make. We came in here tonight to try to fix Norman up with another man.
Norm: Naughty, naughty. [nudges Sam]
Sam: Naughty, naughty.
Kim: But since the two of you are together, how about if the four of us spend the weekend at the cabin? It'll be a hoot!
Norm: Is that good for you, Sam?
Sam: What do you mean is it good for me? It stinks for me, man. Come on, I can't. I can't hack this. Don't do this to me. Listen, I like babe- I love babes, and babes love me. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes.
Norm: "Babes" is his pet word for linebackers.

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Oh. Excuse me.
Man: No, no, it was my fault. I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Rebecca: I'm just fine. But how nice of you to be so completely concerned.
Man: Well, you know, you can't be too careful these days.
Rebecca: Yeah.
Man: So, uh, when's your baby due?
Rebecca: I'm not pregnant.
Man: Oh. Well, then I really am sorry. Excuse me.
Rebecca: Well, why don't you just watch where you're going then next time, Buster?!

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: I think I am in for a pleasant surprise.
[Sam places his foot on the scale behind Rebecca]
Scale: Your weight is 162 pounds.
Rebecca: What?!
Scale: Have a nice day.
Rebecca: Malone! Get out here! I know what you just did!
Al: [emerges from the bathroom] Congratulations.
Rebecca: Not you, I was talking to... Forget it.

Quote from Norm

Robert: Anyway, how about some drinks? All right. [to Carla] Miss?
Norm: Oh, uh, no, no, I'll take care of it. He's kind of touchy since the operation.

Quote from Sam

Rebecca: Sam, does this outfit make me look like I've put on a little weight?
Sam: The outfit? Uh, yeah, no. That's what it must be. Right, yeah. Turn around. Let me see. Yeah, blame it on the outfit. You know, you've been wearing an awful lot of fat clothes recently, haven't you?
Rebecca: Oh, just shut up, butthead. [exits]
Sam: She called me a butthead. I think I'm gonna cry.
Woody: Oh, don't worry, Sam. It only looks that way from the back.

Quote from Sam

Rebecca: Hi, everybody.
Sam: Oh, hey, Rebecca. Want a brownie? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. Moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.

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