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I Kid You Not

‘I Kid You Not’

Season 7, Episode 14 -  Aired February 16, 1989

Frasier and Lilith spend time with Carla's intelligent and cultured son, Ludlow, whose father was Frasier's mentor. Meanwhile, Woody asks to borrow Sam's car.

Quote from Carla

Ludlow: Mom, Mom! The opera was so great! All the singing, and costumes. This was the best day of my life!
Carla: Oh, that's terrific, Lud. I never seen him so excited. Thanks, guys.
Lilith: Oh, Carla, it was our pleasure. He's an extraordinary child.
Frasier: Yes, we had an extensive discussion on the way back about opera, the arts, film...
Lilith: Oh, Carla, may we take Lud to the movies tonight? There's a revival of Koyaanisqatsi we'd love him to see, and then we were thinking he could sleep over, we could have brunch and a matinee of Peter and the Wolf.
Carla: Gee, I don't know. He's never stayed away from home before. He's only six.
Ludlow: Please, Mommy? Please?
Carla: Oh, heck, you really want to go that bad, huh? Go, go, go ahead. Have a good time. Stay as long as you want. I'll see you when you get back.
Frasier: Thank you, Carla. We'll take good care of him, don't worry. [all exit]
Carla: Well, that's that. I lost my baby.


Quote from Woody

Woody: Boy, this sure beats taking the bus, doesn't it? Just you and me, the open road. I'm getting kind of tired of driving. What do you say we park somewhere and look at the stars for a while?
Kelly: Oh, that sounds nice, Woody.
Woody: [shouts to the car behind] Hey, Sam, where's a good place to go next?
Sam: [o.s.] Make a right at the light! And not so fast this time!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Yes, but the point is you love me now. And Lud will love bouillabaisse. Try it.
Ludlow: Okay. [eats] Eww! Fish!
Frasier: You barely tasted the broth. Give it a better chance than that.
Ludlow: No! I want a hamburger!
Frasier: This restaurant does not serve hamburgers. Now, eat your bouillabaisse.
Ludlow: No! This fishy soup stinks! And I hate it! [slides under the table]
Frasier: What an imp!

Quote from Frasier

Ludlow: Let's go, Mommy.
Carla: First, apologize to Dr. Crane.
Ludlow: I'm sorry, Dr. Crane. I guess I shouldn't have acted this way.
Frasier: Well, no hard feelings, son. Let's have dinner again sometime when you're about, oh, in your late 30s.

Quote from Woody

Pete: So Sam still won't loan you his car, huh?
Woody: No, but I'm starting to love that man's laugh.
Norm: Sammy, come on, give the kid a break, will ya? Just let him borrow your car.
Woody: Please, Sam? Kelly's the best girl I've ever dated, and she loves Corvettes.
Sam: Well, I tell you what, Woody. I'll give her a lift in my car.
Woody: No way, Sammy. Every girl who goes for a ride in your Corvette winds up going to bed with you. Right, Miss Howe?
[Rebecca shrieks and returns to her office]
Norm: Well, now she's just being redundant.

Quote from Frasier

Sam: Hey, Fras. Listen, why don't you invite Carla to dinner with you?
Frasier: Well, now, Sam, uh... Carla is a fine woman and a good friend. Actually, she's neither. And why would I want to eat with her?
Lilith: Frasier, dear, I think we should invite Carla. I think it would be very, very nice.
Frasier: Do you know what would be very, very nice, Lilith? If you would stop digging your nails into my palm. But I'm sure I'll choose to see your point before you draw blood.

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