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An Old-Fashioned Wedding

‘An Old-Fashioned Wedding’

Season 10, Episode 25 - Aired May 14, 1992

Carla warns Woody and Kelly to call off the wedding when her horoscope predicts disaster. With Sam and Rebecca providing liquor and bartending, they try to keep the wedding on track.

Quote from Carla

Norm: The body's gone, Sam.
Sam: Well, we're just gonna have to find it before somebody else does.
Carla: "Horoscopes are for suckers, Carla."


Quote from Rebecca

Sam: Hey, does anyone know where this dumbwaiter goes?
Rebecca: The cellar, I think. Robin and I were going to have one, right off the kitchen by the inglenook, those little leaded glass windows, overlooking the little herb garden. I'd love it if he were dead.

Quote from Sam

Sam: All right, all right, all right. Plan B. Uh... All right, somebody climb in the dumbwaiter here and, uh, I'll lower you down.
Norm: Okay. Okey-doke.
Sam: No, uh Just a thought, but maybe Carla should go, huh?
Carla: Oh, sure, sure. I'd love to be lowered down into the cellar on a rope to look for a dead body in the dark. Who believes in horoscopes?
Sam: Are you there yet?
Carla: [o.s.] Uh, a little more!
Monika: [enters] Hello, Uncle Sam.
[Carla screams, heavy thud]

Quote from Sam

Sam: Carla, honey, I'm sorry!
Carla: [o.s.] That wasn't funny, Sammy!
Sam: Have you got the body?
Carla: [o.s.] Yes. Now pull us up.
Sam: All right. Here we come. Here we go. I see you.
Kelly: What are you doing, Sam?
Sam: Ooh!
[Carla screams, loud thud]
Sam: Nothing. Nothing.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Carla?! Sweetheart, I'm sorry.
Carla: [o.s.] You are a dead man, Malone.
Sam: I'm sorry, honey. l- l'm gonna pull you up right now. Hey, you want to give me a hand here, Norm? [Norm claps] No, no, no, no. With the body. I gotta get the minister into the wine closet.
Norm: You know, this guy didn't move around that much when he was alive.
Sam: I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Carla: Oh, no, no, don't apologize, Sam. Your dropping me was funny, and then the second time was hysterical. Then this third time, I said to myself... [Dieter screams as he enters the kitchen]
[Carla screaming, loud thud]

Quote from Frasier

Man: Sie dort! Ich habe Dich gewart. Nun wirst Du dafuer bezahlen!
Sam: No, no, no. Frasier, do you speak German?
Man: Ich werde dich wie ein gefeseltes Schwein multilieren.
Frasier: Well, I picked up a smattering during med school, but it's been so long. I did recognize the word "mutilate," though.
Man: Das ist nicht Alles was ich abschlagen werde.
Frasier: He speaks too fast for me, Sam, but I can tell you this... he's clearly insane. Good with a sword, though.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Oh, Lord. At the very least, I thought I was gonna get the living daylights kicked out of me.
Carla: [o.s.] The night is young.
Sam: Ooh!
[Carla screams, loud thud]
Norm: Sammy, you're gonna have to let her out of there sooner or later.
Sam: Yeah, yeah, later. Much, much later.

Quote from Norm

Sam: So, where's Woody, anyway?
Cliff: Oh, he's upstairs with Kelly. I- I was beginning to feel like a third wheel. [chuckles] Yeah.
Norm: Do you want to give me a hand here? [Cliff claps] Why are we the only people who find that funny?

Quote from Sam

Mr. Gaines: Finally, we seem to be ready to start the wedding. I'll go upstairs and get Kelly.
Sam: Oh, no, no, no. Mr. Gaines.
Mr. Gaines: Right, Sam, and you get Woody. Let's do it.
Sam: [shouts] All right now, you go upstairs, Mr. Gaines, to Kelly's room!
Mr. Gaines: Sam, please. You're yelling loud enough to wake the dead.
Sam: Oh, yeah, if only I could.

Quote from Carla

Sam: Whew! I wonder what put the fear into those dogs?
Carla: Oh, Mayday... It's payday!
Sam: No, no, no, honey, please, sweetheart...
Carla: You stand still and take it like a man.
Sam: No, no, I never fight with women, especially one who could cream me.

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