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The Fallout

‘The Fallout’

Season 5, Episode 16 - Aired March 15, 2019

Michael searches for the truth after Buster's trial is upended by the revelation that he may have killed his grandmother, Mimi. Meanwhile, the Bluth Company gets ready to unveil the Wall, while George Michael looks to sell Fakeblock.

Quote from Michael

Dusty: Your mom told me to get rid of a bunch of these family tapes, but I can't imagine she'd want to throw out all these memories.
Michael: She asked you to get rid of family memories?
Dusty: Why? Is that weird?
Michael: It's just that, typically, the drinking does that.
Dusty: Oh, that's good, because she called it "evidence." But I don't think you're supposed to admit to destroying evidence in court.
Michael: Sure.
Dusty: Again, I don't have that much trial experience.


Quote from Michael

Dusty: So, which ones do you wanna watch? "George Bluth, Affair: Caught in Act" or "George Bluth, Another Affair: Caught in Act, Hi-Res"?
Michael: I know which one I would watch with a gun to my head. [off Dusty's confusion] Not the hi-res.
Dusty: Oh.
Michael: "Buster, Age Eight, Under Hypnosis: 1982." This- This is the year that they tried to get him to wean. Hang on, that was that was '83. Uh, 1982 was, uh... was... [Michael looks at the staircase]

Quote from Michael

Narrator: And so, the next day, Michael sought out a highly respected journalist...
John Beard: Lean Cuisine? I think I got a Lean Pocket around here somewhere.
Narrator: ...who was going through a bitter divorce.
Michael: Nothing, thank you.
John Beard: You know, you look familiar to me. Have- Have we met before?
Michael: Well, John, you used our house for To Entrap a Local Predator.
John Beard: That's it. Yeah. You were one of our super creeps.
Michael: Yeah, yeah. Uh, no.

Quote from Gob

Dusty: Mr. Bluth, you are a magician by trade. Is that correct?
Gob: Illusionist.
Dusty: Oh. I'm sorry. Oh, please. Sustained. I'll allow it. And you've worked with the defendant before. This assistant... This was your assistant, is that correct?
Gob: Yes, he was my assistant.
Narrator: Gob realized that Buster had gotten him under oath, not just as a character witness...
Dusty: Didn't you say he is the best assistant you ever had?
Narrator: ...but to compel him to take moral responsibility for the dumping of the body.
Gob: Yes, I did.
Dusty: And what exactly was it that made him the best?
Narrator: So Gob put the moral responsibility...
Gob: He would never reveal a secret.
Narrator: ...back on Buster.
Gob: He would just act all dumb, like, "I don't know what's happening, either." Mm. You know, he just he was just so good at acting like, "Where'd she go? What happened to her? She just... She vanished." And he could take any object, no matter its size, and make it disappear. Gone forever, like it never existed. You'd never find a trace of it.
Dusty: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...
Gob: And he had nerves of steel, I tell you that much. Even if he was cutting a woman in half with that steel. And then he'd make the steel disappear as well. So cool. He was just a very dumb-acting but secretly sneaky guy.
Narrator: And a rift had opened up between the brothers.

Quote from Gob

Narrator: After Gob had outsmarted a dumb lawyer, the question was, could he out-dumb a smart lawyer?
Lottie Dottie: These objects that Buster could hide were they as big as a human body?
Gob: Oh, God, yeah, yeah. Just, I mean, the often, the exact same dimension of a human body, of an average human male or female body. Often a female body. Any female body, really.
Lottie Dottie: This list of skills you mentioned, were they helpful for, say, covering up a crime?
Gob: [sighs] I see what you're doing. [chuckles softly] Yes, it would.
Lottie Dottie: No more questions.
Gob: Interesting, huh? Hers were a lot easier than his.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Permission to interrupt the case.
Judge Stanley: Could you identify yourself?
Gob: You missed it. I killed up there.
Judge Stanley: I am Michael Bluth. I am the brother of the defendant and and co-counsel to Dusty. Permission to join the defense?
Dusty: Oh, that'll be great timing, because I've been drinking this free court water.
Judge Stanley: Does the prosecution have any objections?
Dusty: I need a break.
Lottie Dottie: Oh, let him go. Oh, he worked through recess.

Quote from Buster

Michael: Mrs. Bluth, would you please state your relationship to the defendant?
Lucille: Look at you, milking this for every moment. Isn't this classic Michael?
Buster: We make fun of him all the time. Right, Gob?
Narrator: The rift between the brothers had been repaired.

Quote from Michael

Michael: I think. I, uh... I... I, uh... I was there. I was there, and, uh... I think that I went there to see Lucille 2. I was mad at her. I- I had borrowed money I'm so ashamed. I offered to sleep with her so that she would forget my $700,000 debt.
Buster: Nice humblebrag.
Michael: And then we fought. And I must have done something to her and gotten my shirt bloody. I mean, why else would I change it in the Banana Stand.
Lucille: Stop it. You don't know what you're talking about.
Michael: But I definitely drove the stair car home, and that's why it was next to the house. And, uh, the pill. Gob gave me that pill. That's what I saw on that video at at John Beard's, which is why I had forgotten that I was at Cinco.
Lucille: Okay, Michael, that's enough.
Michael: Even I was starting to believe that Buster- But, uh... I think that I'm the killer.
Narrator: And perhaps, it was at that moment that Lottie realized...
Lottie Dottie: I object.
Narrator: ...she had no chance of winning.
Lottie Dottie: The opposing counsel is confessing.
Michael: No further confessions, Your Honor.
Narrator: It was a stunningly dramatic twist, a real Making of a Monster-type moment.

Quote from George Sr.

Lucille: Um, George?
George Sr.: Hmm?
Lucille: You should welcome some of your friends over there.
George Sr.: [chuckles] I can't believe my dry cleaners came.

Quote from Maeby

Sally Sitwell: Money? These are paid protesters?
Lucille: Who's paying you?
Maeby: I am. And, Dad, I made you a chant follower, not a chant leader.
Tobias: Chant follower?
Maeby: I'm not paying you for that. Anyway, yes, we're protesting. This family can make George Michael into a fully-blown Bluth, but they're not gonna do the same to me.
Lucille: No, it's turning you into your mother.
Maeby: Well, maybe this will bring her back to this family.

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