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Quote from Gob in The Fallout

Narrator: After Gob had outsmarted a dumb lawyer, the question was, could he out-dumb a smart lawyer?
Lottie Dottie: These objects that Buster could hide were they as big as a human body?
Gob: Oh, God, yeah, yeah. Just, I mean, the often, the exact same dimension of a human body, of an average human male or female body. Often a female body. Any female body, really.
Lottie Dottie: This list of skills you mentioned, were they helpful for, say, covering up a crime?
Gob: [sighs] I see what you're doing. [chuckles softly] Yes, it would.
Lottie Dottie: No more questions.
Gob: Interesting, huh? Hers were a lot easier than his.

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