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It Gets Better

‘It Gets Better’

Season 4, Episode 13 - Aired May 26, 2013

As George Michael's confidence builds during his time in college, he and his roommate set out to develop an app.

Quote from Michael

Narrator: But George Michael's development was about to be forestalled.
George Michael: Dad.
Michael: Pete died.
George Michael: God. Who's Pete?
Michael: Don't worry about it. Don't you worry about it. I like this. I like the mustache.
George Michael: Oh... it's kind of fun.
Michael: That's great. Probably gonna want to shave it off before the start of next quarter. Otherwise, they're gonna think you're a musician. But I love it, Dude.


Quote from George Michael

Narrator: But even after doing that search, they were undeterred.
George Michael: Download them. Come on, let's do it.
P-Hound: I hope we're not doing this on my account.
George Michael: No, we're doing it so that we can see what the competition is like.
P-Hound: No, I mean on my iTunes account.
George Michael: It's 99 cents.
P-Hound: Yeah, times three.

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: [on the phone] They have Fakeblock. Okay, yes, we'll take that. No problem. That's no problem. Could you hang on to that for me, please? And I'll call you back. Thank you. [hangs up] It's $5,000 for the domain name, and then there's this whole XML website fee.
P-Hound: I got the last one.
George Michael: That was 99 cents.
P-Hound: Times three.
Narrator: And George Michael realized he needed to bring in some cash.

Quote from George Michael

Deann: We actually have a variety of subjects that high school students need tutoring in. If you want to just take a look at that list and let me know if there's anything there that you've handled before.
Narrator: There was. Although George Michael couldn't imagine it was the same Maeby.
George Michael: Is this "F" in "Maeby F." her last name or her grade?
Deann: It's her last name. But her most recent grade is... Well, this just shows an Elvis Presley head.
George Michael: So, that bad? I'll take her.
Deann: Stay on top of her. You may need to ride her pretty hard.

Quote from George Michael

Maeby: You know, it's fine. You don't get it. You've never been a risk taker. I like to [bleep] with people. That's what I do. I'm making a statement.
P-Hound: I love it.
Maeby: You know, I knew you were cool when I saw you wearing that shirt.
P-Hound: Thanks.
Narrator: More betrayal.
George Michael: No, I get it, too. No, I love- I love it, too. You know, I love to love now.
Narrator: George Michael found himself less overtly sexual than he'd hoped.
George Michael: I made a 40-year-old woman cry in Spain.
P-Hound: I love making love to Spanish women.
George Michael: Get out.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: And, impressed with his own invention, he set about making an impossible dream a reality.
George Michael: Do you think we could make something like that?
P-Hound: You mean something that keeps everything on the internet private and protects everyone's digital rights?
George Michael: Yeah, I mean, think about it. Everyone has something that they want removed from the internet.
Narrator: George Michael certainly did. And if the new software served no other purpose than removing this... it would be worth it.

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: I mean, if we could make something like that, it could be bigger than Facebook. I mean, who wouldn't want something like that? You think you can do it?
P-Hound: No.
George Michael: No, of course not. No. I mean, this is my chance with Maeby, and I can't even get rid of my own father. You know, what if we just did a vote. Just the roommates? We do a quick vote, and it's, "Ciao, Fathero."
P-Hound: He's going to know who voted against him.
George Michael: Not if I get him to vote against himself.
P-Hound: Why would he do that?
George Michael: No, he wouldn't. He I was just leaning back, so it looked like I... I got this chair again, didn't I? Maybe I just need to be clear and just say, "I'm putting up a wall." We need to rework our whole system here."
Michael: Sounds like you guys are working on your privacy software, huh?
Narrator: And, long story short, Michael did end up embracing the voting-out-a-roommate idea.

Quote from Maeby

George Michael: That was fun. Did he look betrayed to you?
Maeby: He kind of always looks that way.

Quote from Maeby

Maeby: You know what? Yeah, that might actually be a good idea. Because I can't bring any of my friends without getting permission slips from their parents.
George Michael: Well, that's not really a problem for me.
Maeby: Yeah, 'cause you just betrayed yours, right? [laughs] Awesome.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: And George Michael set out to re-unleash his overtly sexual persona.
George Michael: Well, gentlemen, start your engines.

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