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It Gets Better

‘It Gets Better’

Season 4, Episode 13 - Aired May 26, 2013

As George Michael's confidence builds during his time in college, he and his roommate set out to develop an app.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: And George Michael slipped back into seduction mode.
George Michael: A man, a woman... A bedroom. Let's solve for X.
Maeby: I don't know what you're talking about.
George Michael: Well, you know, in algebra, you have an unknown element, and we call it X, and then you have to solve for it to find out what number X is.
Maeby: X isn't a number.
George Michael: So you don't even really know the basic...
Narrator: But in that moment, the urge to educate her was more powerful than the urge to kiss her.
George Michael: ...stuff real quick. All right, so if you take something like this, 3x+1=10.
Narrator: And with the algebra lesson complete, George Michael pivoted back to his overtly sexual seduction.
George Michael: So, therefore, when I say, "You and me in a bedroom, let's solve for X," I'm stating it as a kind of formula.
Maeby: Yeah, let's get wasted. Let's drink that formula.
George Michael: It's not that kind of formula. No, I'll show you what a formula is real quick, 'cause that's very important.


Quote from Maeby

George Michael: You know, I think we might want to slow down a little bit on the whole Fakeblock thing 'cause I'm still not 100% finished with it.
Maeby: Well, how finished are you with it? 200%? 500%?
George Michael: I also feel like I'm not 100% finished with your math tutoring.

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: Yeah, well, it's because you all sped up together. Now, you know if I was playing in your band, I would say, "Hey, you know, let's do the whole "fast and loose with tempo thing." But this is about my demo tape to Juilliard and they've got to dig what I do so much that they start an entire department for wood block. So, I'm sorry, guys. And you're leaving, okay. They left early. Proves my point. She was cute. They were playing way too loud anyway, right? Could you even hear the wood block?
P-Hound: Right at the end. We could record you separately, and then mix it louder on the computer.
George Michael: Well, then I'm not playing in a band. I mean, the whole point of the band is to showcase my amazing internal clock. You know, that's something you have to be born with.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: And soon, they were close to finishing an app they had decided to call...
George Michael: [on the phone] Woodblock. It's taken. Blockwood. It's taken.
Narrator: And that's when he came up with...
George Michael: Block of Wood?
Narrator: ...which was also taken.
George Michael: Wow.
P-Hound: Block-block?
George Michael: No. People are going to think we're in the chicken noise business.
P-Hound: How is that a chicken noise?
George Michael: You know... Well, it's kind of hard to do in these matador pants, but, you know Block-bl.

Quote from Maeby

Narrator: And even though George Michael wanted to seduce her, he couldn't help but challenge her strategy for staying in high school.
George Michael: But still, I mean, you have to make a living, right? Don't you need an education?
Maeby: Well, don't forget I'm a Harris.
George Michael: Harris?
Maeby: Yeah. Someone who "inharris" a lot of money.
George Michael: Yeah, well, you know, I wouldn't put all my Anns in that basket.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: And then Maeby said something that made him change his mind.
Maeby: I trust you, George Michael. I would not get into bed with you on this thing if I didn't trust you.
George Michael: I mean, of course you can trust me in bed.
Maeby: No, I mean, I trust you not to take advantage of me.
George Michael: No. I wouldn't. We would just lie there.
Maeby: We'd just lie there? I mean, I'm talking about business.
George Michael: So am I. That's why we would just lie there.
Maeby: Okay. 'Cause I was going to say, when you become an internet billionaire, you could do whatever you want with me in bed.
Narrator: It was that. That's what made him change his mind.

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: I will be needing a room, please.
Concierge: How many nights?
George Michael: Two. Sorry. No, just one night. I thought you were saying how many people.
Concierge: And how many beds?
George Michael: Two. Two. No. Uh, one bed. Why give her the option? Keep it real simple. One bed, one night, two people, let's solve for X.
Concierge: I hate young Hollywood.

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: And that Juilliard thing is confidential from my dad by the way. He's never gonna want me to pursue -a career in-
P-Hound: Hitting a block of wood.
George Michael: Music, yes. You know, he still thinks of me as the same George Michael that I was before my life blew apart, you know? Before the world cracked me open and I became the guy that you're looking at now.
P-Hound: George Michael 2.0.
George Michael: God, I hate my name.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: In his freshman year, George Michael hit the ground running.
George Michael: Sorry.
Narrator: He was breaking some of the old taboos.
George Michael: Let's make it a Pepsi.
Narrator: Drinking Pepsi in the morning.
George Michael: So, it's a breakfast combo with a Pepsi.
Narrator: Sometimes having eggs at night.
George Michael: How about some eggs? Oh, excuse me, I forgot it wasn't morning.
Narrator: He was soon finding that others enjoyed his sense of humor.
George Michael: I forgot it wasn't morning.
Narrator: A present from his Uncle Gob elevated his newfound confidence.
George Michael: Hi. My uncle is a magician.
Narrator: Before diminishing it. But before he knew it sophomore year was upon him, and everything got turned up to 11.
George Michael: Boom! And that's what we call only being behind by three.

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: I'm never going to be louder than an electric guitar. Maybe using a band to showcase my wood block skill is a dumb idea.
P-Hound: Too bad there's no such thing as an electric wood block.
George Michael: That sounds like a mother of an invention.
Narrator: And so they set to work inventing a downloadable app that would allow one to play an electronic version of a wood block on their smartphone.
George Michael: You see, that's important. Well, that's what it is. So it's basically like you'll always have a wood block with you. [laughs] I can't believe nobody's ever done this.
Narrator: A quick something search would have shown the guys that there were already three woodblock apps on the market.
P-Hound: So, there are three on the market.
Narrator: Which they did.

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