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Flight of the Phoenix

‘Flight of the Phoenix’

Season 4, Episode 1 -  Aired May 26, 2013

After Michael severs ties with his family and completes the Sudden Valley development on his own, the property crash sends him into a new crisis. Looking for a place to stay, Michael moves into George Michael's dorm room.

Quote from George Sr.

George Sr.: What are you talking about? That money is spent. I just bought 4,000 acres of California desert.
Michael: Time-out. Hang on. What's this?
George Sr.: Yeah. I'm gonna be moving there for a little while. Old big bear's not gonna be around much anymore.
Michael: I don't care about that.
Lucille: He's in denial. We're getting divorced!
George Sr.: Your mother and I are getting a divorce. [Buster squeals]
Michael: I want to know... [Buster whimpers] I want to know about the stimulus package. You couldn't use any of that money to finish Sudden Valley?
George Sr.: You don't consider that finished?


Quote from Buster

Michael: That is exactly what they're going to make out of it. And when you say "family," you mean our family? They've already got their hooks in it? Buster, no offense.
Buster: None taken. I keep losing my jewels.

Quote from Narrator

Narrator: And that's how Michael found a way to finish Sudden Valley himself.
Lucille Austero: Hello.
Michael: Hello.
Narrator: He simply traded his shares of the Bluth company to Lucille 2.
Michael: ...and I hold on to Sudden Valley. It's like a pet project...
Narrator: Getting himself out...
Michael: Thank you so much.
Narrator: and giving the balance of power to a woman who had no power of balance.

Quote from Narrator

Narrator: Michael was desperate to cover his copious building costs...
Michael: Just till I get on my feet.
Narrator: he returned to a woman he could count on to put off his downfall.
Michael: Steady. I got you!
Narrator: Just as he could count on her putting him off and falling down.

Quote from George Michael

P-Hound: There's a girl in there.
Michael: There is? Where the hell is George Michael? Excuse me. [enters] Hello.
George Michael: Oh. Dad. Hi.
Michael: Yeah. There's nobody in here. Buddy, bad news. P-Hound is yanking our chain again.
Maeby: Uncle Michael.
Michael: Oh, my God.
Maeby: Hi.
Michael: Hello there. There is a kind of girl here. Didn't say it was your cousin.
George Michael: Well, he doesn't know.
Michael: Now, that's smart. Let him think there's a girl in here.

Quote from Michael

Narrator: So obviously this is what happened. Michael read his own vote first.
Michael: First vote to remove... Michael. What are you gonna do? Second vote to remove... Michael.
Narrator: Michael expected this, but didn't expect the sting.
Michael: Wow. Obviously, if there's a tie, there's an immediate runoff. Third vote to remove... Michael. [quietly] Did you mean to write "George Michael"?
Narrator: Obviously, the verdict was in. And it's hard to know exactly why Michael opened the fourth ballot. Was it out of hope or confusion? Either way, it couldn't be what he wanted to read. Michael did the only thing he could think of that would save face.

Quote from Michael

Narrator: Michael had just been stunned by some bad news. And with nowhere to go, he decided to pick up a copy of Altitude to lift his spirits.
Michael: Hi. Hello.
Starsky: Hey. Where you heading today, sir?
Michael: Well, actually, I just wanted a copy of your in-flight magazine Altitude.
Starsky: Ah, this is ticketing. You can get the magazine on the flight.
Michael: I get it. But I'm actually I'm in the magazine.
Starsky: How many bags?
Michael: Oh, I'm not checking these.
Starsky: Sorry, you actually can't carry those on board.
Michael: Let me start over. I am the star of Altitude magazine this month. Or quarter, actually. It's an April-September issue, and I just wanted to get a copy. I'm not flying anywhere.

Quote from Michael

Starsky: Why do you have suitcases?
Michael: Those are irrelevant.
Starsky: Not to me.
Michael: Okay. I was mistakenly voted out of a four-person housing situation, in a pack-first, no-talking-after scenario. Does that clear it up for you?
Starsky: What do you mean by "mistakenly"?
Michael: I voted against myself to spare my son the embarrassment of having to vote his own father out of his dorm. That's all.
B. Lake: But that leaves three other votes.
Starsky: Yeah.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Okay, that was nasty.
Lucille Austero: Aren't you sweet? Thank you.
Michael: Okay. Don't tilt your head, okay?
Narrator: And that's when Michael debased himself.
Lucille Austero: What are you doing?
Michael: I'm gonna have sex with you for money.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: Six months before the Forget-Me-Now, Michael had made good on a long-standing threat to go to Phoenix. And even though the Phoenix he went to was online, he still enjoyed the full college experience by living in a dorm room while doing so.
Michael: George Michael, what is my log-on password again?
Narrator: Unfortunately it was his son's dorm room at the University of California at Irvine.
George Michael: Dad, come on, what have we said is the most important thing?
Michael: I have tried "family." It does not work for me.
George Michael: No, privacy.
Narrator: This is Michael's son George Michael, a nice kid.
George Michael: No one should have your password but you. I shouldn't even know it.
Michael: You've made that point.
George Michael: Have I?

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