Gregory Quote #153

Quote from Gregory in Mom

[aside to camera:]
Gregory: You know, some things can't be taught. I'm bad at small talk. I'm just gonna stick with, uh, regular talk.
Nurse Makiah: Now, what are you up to tonight, Shanae?
Shanae: Ugh, more unpacking. We were at it so late last night, I missed the Orioles game.
Nurse Makiah: Oh.
Shanae: And today's been so crazy. I haven't had a chance to check the score.
Gregory: Uh, 5-3 O's. Adley Rutschman hit an opposite field walk off homer. And Cedric Mullins was a single shy of the cycle.
Shanae: Mullins is my guy. All these young dudes... Cedric, Mullen, Felix, Logan.
Gregory: And they say we're living in another dead ball era.
Shanae: Oh, please. It's simple, just hit dingers, play defense, close games.
Gregory: Exactly. But that's always baseball. You just show up every day, just like...
Both: Cal Ripken, Jr.
Shanae: Oh, you've been an Orioles fan this whole time and never said a word. Wow.
Gregory: Well, now I know.
Shanae: Yes, you do. Okay, Gregory.


 ‘Mom’ Quotes

Quote from Melissa

Melissa: Long weekends just delay the inevitable. It's still a Monday, even if it's masquerading as a Tuesday.

Quote from Ava

Ava: Damn, genetics are wild. You're cool and she... [off Vanetta's look] You would beat my ass, wouldn't you?
Vanetta: Hmm.
[aside to camera:]
Ava: The key to never getting your ass beat? Knowing when someone can beat your ass.

Quote from Ava

Ava: I just figured out where I know Janine's mom from: the club. We danced on the same tables. Cool people should have cool babies. It's not right what happened to that woman.