Jacob Quote #176

Quote from Jacob in Egg Drop

Jacob: Uh, I have an entire week dedicate to the historical terrors of Thanksgiving for the indigenous people, followed by a screening of the seminal film...
Ava: Soul Food?
Jacob: You know it.
Both: [sing] ♪ Mama ♪


 ‘Egg Drop’ Quotes

Quote from Barbara

Barbara: [aside to camera] As a good Christian woman, I would never mark my body with such an obscenity. I don't even believe in saying that word out loud. Ugh. My favorite "B" word? Barbara. Oh! Bible. [gasps] Blessing. Blueberries.

Quote from Ava

Barbara: Ava, I'm surprised. You actually have a problem with this?
Ava: Sure do, but it's about placement not the content. The clavicle is such a powerful bone. Why take attention away from it? Keep the tattoos to the tatas. That's hot.
Barbara: How could anyone find this tata tattoo hot? Much less appropriate?
Ava: Well, it's a generational thing, Barb. Women her age grew up with Lil' Kim, Foxy Brown, and Eve.
Melissa: Mm-hmm.
Barbara: And I grew up with Adam and Eve. And maybe all this young woman needs is a little guidance. Heh.
Ava: Barb wouldn't be offended by my tattoos, unless she speaks Mandarin. Chinese people hate my tattoos.

Quote from Mr. Johnson

Melissa: While we're here, I'm not sure I believe the moon landing happened.
Mr. Johnson: I don't believe in the moon.
Jacob: I believe that gluten intolerance is just internalized white guilt.
Mr. Johnson: Gluten isn't real!
Ava: Stevie Wonder ain't blind.
Melissa: You know, Bill Gates...