Janine Quote #170

Quote from Janine in Attack Ad

Janine: Eight-year anniversary. It's Medieval Times. He wouldn't stop speaking in a British accent. Freed all the knights' horses, which caused a little traffic thing, so...
[aside to camera:]
Janine: Tariq is in town, so I asked him to grab the rest of his stuff. I decided that when your relationship is 100% over, your ex shouldn't be keeping, like, 90% of his things at your place. His Pokémon plush toy, Charmeleon. He said it was the only thing that understood him. Dragon Ball Z, Gundam figures, Attack on Titan. A lot of anime. Wait, I think the last one was manga? He would always get sad when I confused the two. It's all gotta go.


 ‘Attack Ad’ Quotes

Quote from Melissa

Melissa: Was there a bit about me gambling? 'Cause a parent said something that almost triggered my fight-or-fight response.
Gregory: Mm, you mean fight or flight.
Melissa: No. I'm not a flippin' bird, Gregory.

Quote from Ava

Ava: Y'all not gonna believe this, but I was watching Gourders, that show about pumpkin hoarders, and a commercial about Abbott came on. It's bad. I had to watch two more episodes before it played again.

Quote from Jacob

Jacob: Oh, I hate to be the perpetual resident of Buzzkill, Pennsylvania, but, uh, we are meeting with the lawyer any minute...
Candace: I am the lawyer.
Jacob: Oh. Of course you are. I knew that. Erin Brockovich is, like, my favorite movie.