Dick Quote #974

Quote from Dick in D3: Judgement Day

Dick: [to Mary] Listen, I don't want to interrupt your dinner. Jennifer and I will just sit over here and nuzzle. [nuzzles on Jennifer's ear]
Jennifer Ravelli: I can't understand a word you're saying.
Dick: So let's order.
Jennifer Ravelli: I don't know why you would bring me to a place like this. I'm allergic to everything on the menu.
Why, the butter alone- [grabs Jennifer's butt] Aah!
Dick: [chuckles] Oh, you.
[Dick turns away from Mary and gropes himself so it appears that Jennifer has her hands all over him]


 ‘D3: Judgement Day’ Quotes

Quote from Nina

Nina: Quality time? You actually said "quality time"?
Mary: Well, I was just trying to define-
Nina: Is that what we talked about? Is that what we talked about?!
Mary: No.
Nina: When a man hears "quality time," he thinks it means rub your feet while you watch the Lifetime channel.
Mary: [whining] Well, what am I supposed to do?
Nina: [mocking] What am I supposed to do? You have really lost it. You have lost your groove thing. Come on! Blow smoke up his ego, make him want you.
Mary: I don't know.
Nina: You are Mary Albright. You flirt shamelessly. That's what you're famous for.
Mary: I am?
Nina: Mm-hmm.
Mary: I am.
Nina: Now, you go out there and live up to your trashy reputation.

Quote from Dick

Jennifer Ravelli: What were you doing to me, orchids?! I gave you a list of my allergies, and what was on the top of page 6, column 2? Orchids!
Dick: Okay, Jennifer, before you go any further, there's something I must say: I am breaking up with you.
Jennifer Ravelli: You're breaking up with me? You're breaking up with me?! I ended this hideous travesty of a relationship yesterday!
Mary: Yesterday? She- She broke up with you yesterday?
Dick: Oh, that's right. You broke up with me. That's how it happened. [makes a "crazy" gesture] Teetering.
Mary: You're incredible!
Jennifer Ravelli: You are so lucky that I'm allergic to any blood other than my own, because if I weren't, I would cut you open from stem to stern and dance in the red, red river of your death.
Dick: Help me, Mary, help me.
Mary: Oh, get out!
Jennifer Ravelli: A plague! A plague on you, Dick Solomon!

Quote from Sally

Sally: Guess what, you guys. Don is taking me bowling. Can you believe it? Bowling!
Harry: Hard to believe.
Sally: Just picture it: me and Don, alone our sweaty bodies intertwine... bowling.
Tommy: You don't know what bowling is, do you?
Sally: No.