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Frankie Goes to Rutherford

‘Frankie Goes to Rutherford’

Season 5, Episode 19 - Aired May 9, 2000

Dick is worried when a former student of Mary's, Frank (Enrico Colantoni), visits. Dick's fears are eased when Frank admits he's not interested in Mary as he's "from a different world". Meanwhile, Sally, Harry and Tommy plot a bank heist.

Quote from Sally

Sally: Well, I'm gonna swing by the bank, do a little recon, then go visit Don at the police station.
Tommy: Taking a little trip to the police station?
Sally: Yeah, why?
Harry: How do we know that you and your cop boyfriend aren't setting us up?
Sally: I don't believe this. After all the work I have put into this plan, you guys have the cojones to accuse me of being a stoolie? [flips a table]
Harry: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Tommy: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Sally: Let me tell you how things work around here, Okay? This is my plan. I am the boss. You don't like it, you can hit the road.


Quote from Tommy

Sally: It's Harry I'm beginning to have my doubts about.
Tommy: Harry?
Sally: Yeah, well, if there's a weak link in this plan, it's him.
Tommy: Harry's not a weak link. Or is he? Nah. He's solid as a rock. Or is he soft? Nah. That bitch!

Quote from Sally

Harry: Hey, guys.
Sally: You're out of the plan, Harry!
Harry: What?
Sally: We just don't think you have the mental fortitude for this operation.
Harry: What- The mental forta-what?
Sally: Exactly.
Harry: I don't believe this. Did you know about this, Tommy? [Tommy looks away] You did. You did know about this! Well, let me tell you something about Tommy. That time we went to the petting zoo, he had nightmares for a week. A week! So as far as I'm concerned, you two deserve each other. I am out of here! [flips table]

Quote from Tommy

Tommy: So should we start reconstructing the plan for two people?
Sally: Did you really have petting zoo nightmares, Tommy?
Tommy: I don't want to talk about it.
Sally: I can't count on someone who's afraid of baby farm animals.
Tommy: Hey. That lamb was freaky, man. He was giving me the evil eye.
Sally: You're out, Tommy.
Tommy: What?
Sally: You're done!
Tommy: Oh, you've been gunning for me since day one, haven't you? Haven't you? Well, I'll tell you what, sister.
[sets table back up in place] You got your wish. I'm out! [flips table] Aah!

Quote from Dick

Frank: Dick, it's time to come clean.
Mary: Come clean about what?
Dick: I can't. I just c-can't do it.
Mary: Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?
Frank: Mary... Dick is gay. [Mary gasps]
Dick: That's right, Mary. I'm- No, I'm not.
Mary: Well, then why are you here?
Dick: Well, what do you mean?
Mary: Dick, this is a gay bar. Everyone who comes here is gay.
Dick: Mary, you're gay?
Mary: No, I'm not gay!
Dick: Oh, so you don't believe me, but I'm expected to believe you. Oh, puh-leeze! [runs out]

Quote from Harry

Sally: All right, look. Since we're all here anyway, we might as well go through with the original plan. Harry, take the pen to the teller and distract her. That's when you, Tommy, head for the safe. If there's any trouble, the guard gets a face full of Sally-boob.
Harry: Ooh. Now, are you sure that I can't be the guard?
Sally: No! Let's go.

Quote from Dick

[Dick enters dressed as a construction worker, complete with hard hat and steel lunchbox]
Dick: Hello, Nina.
Nina: What the hell is this all about?
Dick: Just in case Mary was worried, I wanted to prove to her that I'm a real man. What do you think, Nina? You like beefcake?
Nina: Not from your funky bakery.

Quote from Sally

[The Solomons sit on the roof. Dick dressed as a construction worker, Harry as a Native American, Sally as a biker, and Tommy in a naval uniform]
Sally: So, did you hear, Dick? We tried to rob a bank.
Dick: Rob a bank? That's impossible. The pens all have chains.
Harry: Yeah. We found out the hard way.
Sally: We know now.
Dick: I wonder how humans would react if we came out as aliens?
Harry: You know, I bet they'd be cool with everything except for us kissing on TV.
Don: Sure is a nice night out, huh?
Sally: Hey, Donny.
Don: You got room for a cop out on your roof?
Sally: Sure.
Don: Hey!
Sally: Hey.
Harry: Hey.
Tommy: Hey.
Dick: Hey.
♫ Macho, macho man Macho man I've got to be a macho man I've got to be a macho ♫

Quote from Harry

Sally: Okay, look. If we're gonna pull off this bank robbery, we have to trust each other and work together as a team. Who's with me? [all put their hands in]
Harry: Wow! Tommy, your hands are so soft. Are you using a new kind of lotion?
Tommy: Actually, I've been wearing gloves when I do the dishes.
Harry: Mmm, nice.

Quote from Harry

Harry: Okay, calm down, Sally. We're all on the same team here. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go get us a sack of burritos. It's gonna be a long night.
Sally: Yeah, you do that.
Harry: I will.

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