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The Sleepover

‘The Sleepover’

Season 1, Episode 16 -  Aired March 16, 2022

When Dean and the gang sleep over at Cory's house, Dean learns a secret about Coach Long that he struggles to keep from his friend.

Quote from Dean

Cory: Hey, Dean, what was up with all that tossing and turning last night?
Gary: Yeah. What was all that mumbling about last night? You sounded crazy.
Dean: Who told you? I-I don't know anything.
Cory: Hey. We was just trying to see if you got some sleep.
Coach Long: W-Well, actually, Cory, uh, I ran into Dean on the way to the bathroom last night.
Adult Dean: Ooh. Oh, good. Coach is coming clean and letting me off the hook.
Coach Long: And I made sure he was okay and we both went back to bed.
Adult Dean: Dammit!
Coach Long: Ain't that right, Dean?
Dean: Yes, sir.
Coach Long: W... You know what, Dean? Um... how about you have the last two pancakes?
Adult Dean: Well, hope they have pancakes in Hell 'cause there ain't no way I'mma be able to keep this secret.


Quote from Dean

Cory: Hey. Hey, Dean. You wanna hang out after practice?
Dean: Uh, I-I-I don't know.
Adult Dean: The secret is killing me!
Cory: What does that mean?
Adult Dean: Uh, uh, m-my mom is actually two years older than she says she is.
Cory: What?
Adult Dean: I thought telling another secret would take the pressure off of not telling this one.
Cory: Hey!
Adult Dean: Nope.

Quote from Dean

Cory: Why are you being so stupid and childish?
Dean: I'm not being stupid and childish. I don't want to talk to you because I don't want to tell you that your family's broke, your dad's a gambler, and you're probably gonna have to move to Arkansas.
Cory: I know you're jealous, man, but... you don't have to make up lies.
[Dean and Cory walk off in opposite directions]
Keisa: One of y'all owes me a Snickers bar!

Quote from Dean

Coach Long: Man, it's been hard, sneaking out of the house, staying in motels so Cory won't find out.
Bill: I won't charge you more than half than what a motel would cost. [both laugh]
Adult Dean: No new job? No gambling? I had it all wrong.
Dean: Coach Long, I am really, really, really sorry. I-I didn't know you were sleeping at a motel, and I thought you were sneaking out to a second job because you lost all your money gambling. [both laugh]
Coach Long: Wha... What?
Dean: And I accidentally told that to Cory.

Quote from Coach Long

Coach Long: Dean, it's okay. Look, I should have never lied to you in the first place, or asked you to keep my secret.
Dean: I'm guessing you and Mrs. Long are having some pretty big problems right now.
Coach Long: Well, Dean, um... problems don't necessarily have to be big for married folk to have them. You understand what I'm saying?
Dean: Yeah. N-No.
Coach Long: [chuckles] Sometimes, there's just problems in a relationship. And it's important for me to remember that I didn't make vows to never have problems. I vowed to work through them. Now, your folks may or may not have any problems, but if they do, me and Mrs. Long will be there for them, too. Your dad can sleep on our couch. [both chuckle]
Bill: Whoa. What makes you think it'll be me? What if Lill's in the wrong? Maybe she'll be the one on your couch.
Coach Long: What, you think I'm here because I'm wrong? Look, she lucky she got to my bag before I got to hers. You understand me? [both laugh]
Bill: Well, you know how that goes. [both chuckle]

Quote from Dean

Adult Dean: As Daddy and Coach Long commiserated over how hard husbands have it, but just low enough so Mama didn't hear, I realized I needed to be there for Cory, too.
Cory: I just found out my parents had a huge fight. My dad's been saying at a motel this whole weekend. They're basically separated.
Dean: A-Actually, your dad's staying at my house, and my dad already told him he won't charge him as much as a motel does.
Cory: [sighs] I just don't know what's gonna happen, man.
Adult Dean: I wanted to tell Cory not to worry, that everything would be okay. I wanted to apologize for being jealous of him being Student of the Week, because he did earn it.
Dean: W-Wanna shoot hoops?
Cory: Sure. If you're okay with losing.
Dean: [chuckles] Yeah. I'm okay with it.

Quote from Dean

Dean: You know, maybe I was jealous that you won Student of the Week and I didn't.
Cory: Yeah?
Dean: Yeah. I think I was scared that if you're already good at the stuff you're good at now and the stuff I'm good at, then you wouldn't need me as a friend anymore.
Cory: Man, it's your fault I got Student of the Week in the first place.
Dean: Oh, wait. My fault?
Cory: Yeah, I had to start studying more or we couldn't have stayed friends. I never knew what you were saying with those big fancy words and what-not. [chuckles] It's okay, Dean. You'll get them next time.
Dean: So petty. [chuckles]
Adult Dean: The dynamic duo were back together.

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: And after a couple weeks, I even got to go to Cory's for another sleepover. This time, there were no feet in my face. But that didn't stop Mother Nature from making her call.
[After Dean climbs out of bed, he stumbles into the hallway half-asleep and opens a door]
Vivian: [screams]
Coach Long: [o.s.] Dean! Shut the door!
Adult Dean: It was pretty obvious the Longs had made up. It was also clear Coach Long and I now had another secret.

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