Adult Dean Quote #103

Quote from Adult Dean in The Sleepover

Adult Dean: And after a couple weeks, I even got to go to Cory's for another sleepover. This time, there were no feet in my face. But that didn't stop Mother Nature from making her call.
[After Dean climbs out of bed, he stumbles into the hallway half-asleep and opens a door]
Vivian: [screams]
Coach Long: [o.s.] Dean! Shut the door!
Adult Dean: It was pretty obvious the Longs had made up. It was also clear Coach Long and I now had another secret.


 ‘The Sleepover’ Quotes

Quote from Dean

Adult Dean: The fact that Coach Long was trusting me with a secret he couldn't tell Cory made me feel mature, special.
It almost made me forget that I am terrible at keeping secrets.
Kim: Why'd you buy paper plates?
Dean: For your surprise birthday party.
Bill: Thanks, Dean.
Bill: I can't wait to see Planet of the Apes.
Dean: Yeah, I heard it was good. They were on Earth all along. [off Bill's look] W-What? I said it was good.

Quote from Kim

Kim: Ooh, he must be gambling. That's what happened to my friend Lorraine. Her father lost their house in a card game, and they had to move to Arkansas.
Dean: I thought they wanted to move to Arkansas?
Kim: Nobody wants to move to Arkansas.

Quote from Bill

Bill: What's eating at you?
Dean: My friends all think I'm petty.
Lillian: Well, tell your friends...
Bill: You're petty as hell, Dean.
Lillian: Bill.
Bill: He's petty at Christmas, petty with his sister. He was petty as a baby. First time I changed his diaper, he was mad it wasn't you and peed in my face.
Lillian: All babies are like that.
Bill: You didn't see the look in his eye when he did it. Petty.