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Season 1, Episode 1 - Aired September 22, 2021

Feeling he doesn't fit in anywhere, Dean tries to be "the great uniter" by organizing the first integrated baseball match between his team and his friend Brad's team.

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: When I saw me, Brad, and Cory on that field, with kids from my neighborhood mingling with kids from a world way across town, united by something we all had in common, I was proud of what I'd done. It didn't even matter who won the game.
[As Dean sees Michael walking by the field with a bicycle, he nods his head. Michael nods his head back.]
Adult Dean: Now, I'd find out much later that Michael was only there to steal Brad's bike, but at the moment, it was validation.
[Dean sees a smartly-dressed Bill arrive at the field]
Adult Dean: It's a trip, the little things that you remember all your life. Your first hit, your first kiss, the first time your dad lets you know that he sees you. Well, I still hadn't had the other two, but, boy, did that third one feel good.


Quote from Bill

Coach Long: Come on. Front of the box. Watch the fastball!
Bill: Back of the box! Watch the curve!
Coach Long: Front of the box! Look fastball!
Bill: Dean, back of the box. Watch the curve.
Coach Long: Front of the box.
Bill: Back of the box, Dean! Back of the box!
Coach Long: Scoot to the front, Dean!
Bill: Dean!
Coach Long: Dean!
Bill: Dean Jeremiah Williams!
Coach Long: I don't know his whole... Dean!
Bill: Dean!
Coach Long: Dean!
Umpire: Strike!
Bill: You'll get it next time, son.

Quote from Coach Long

Coach Long: Bill, if you got a problem with the way I coach, say so.
Dean: Be cool. Be cool.
Bill: I thought instead of a new glove, maybe Dean just needed better instruction.
Coach Long: No. Well, listen, man. This ain't no piano recital. So you stick to the do-re-mi's and I'll stick to the one-two-threes.
Bill: That doesn't even make sense. It just rhymes.
Coach Long: Well, I could say the same thing about your songs.
Bill: Oh, so you raggin' on my music now? Well, I may be a musician, but I still struck you out, let's not forget.
Coach Long: You know what? That was in sixth grade, and I didn't hit my growth spurt yet.
Bill: [chuckles] "Yet."

Quote from Brad

Brad: This may not be the right time, but, dude, your sister is choice.
Dean: Shut up, Brad.

Quote from Bill

Bill: We on the radio, baby. [music continues]
Lillian: Girl, you better be excited. Your daddy's song is on the radio!
Bill: [chuckles; stops] You were in the car with your boyfriend?
Kim: Dean was out after the street lights came on.
Dean: Hey!
Bill: Ms. Handy was out. I bet you Ms. Handy saw her out there.
Lillian: You don't want Ms. Handy seeing you! She gonna be talking about me and my mothering.
Adult Dean: This certainly wasn't the first or last time emotions would run high in our house, but whether we were yelling or laughing, if you turned your head just right, it all sounded like music.

Quote from Keisa

Keisa: [to boy] Hey, stop it! Stop it!
Adult Dean: Was this my opening? My chance to defend her honor and win her heart? My...
Keisa: [grabs boy in headlock] You better give my propers! Say you're sorry!
Boy: Stop!
Keisa: Say it!
Cory: [to Dean] Man, she's tough.
Dean: I know. I dig it.

Quote from Cory

Lillian: Look at it this way. We want our sons to learn to compete with them now, or never learn and then go out into the world feeling like they're lacking... like we did?
Coach Long: Okay, I'll talk to your friend's dad and see what he says.
Dean: Yes!
Cory: All right!
Coach Long: All right, now... now give me three laps. For... For coming to practice too early! Come on, get... get some laps in. Y'all walking? Come on, hustle up!

Quote from Dean

Adult Dean: But bringing people together wasn't just about the White people. It was also about Black people like Michael Simms. I knew I could reach him, too.
[cut to Michael slamming Dean into his locker]
Dean: Ah!
Michael: Think you're White, don't you?
Adult Dean: I could not.
Michael: You talk White! [punches Dean] You act White! [punches Dean]
Dean: Ah!
Michael: You even brought a lunch box to school like you white! [shoves Dean to the ground]
Adult Dean: That last one confuses me to this day.
Cory: Come on, man. [another bully lets Cory go] Told you it was a dumb idea to try to talk to him, Dean.
Brad: [falls out of a locker] Ah! So dumb.
Adult Dean: Who was I kidding? The world was always gonna be full of Michael Simmses and White people with lunch boxes. Nobody was gonna listen to Sheep #3.

Quote from Lillian

Lillian: What kind of present?
Bill: I don't know. Maybe that pearl necklace I caught you staring at at Parisians. [both laugh]
Lillian: Well, it's just one royalty check, Bill. Be cool.

Quote from Bill

Coach Long: Come in, Dean.
Bill: Stay deep.
Coach Long: No, no, no, no. C-Come in some.
Bill: Stay deep, Dean.
Coach Long: Come towards me.
Bill: Deep.
Coach Long: This way.
Bill: Away from me.
Coach Long: This way.
Bill: That way. [bat cracks]
Coach Long: Dean!

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