Andy Quote #374

Quote from Andy in Lotto

Andy: Gideon. You are a PhD candidate studying America's diminishing blue-collar workforce?
Gideon: North America. And, diminishing is a little reductive, but, uh, sure. That's the headline version.
Andy: Great. Well, it'll bring a fresh new perspective to the warehouse.
Gideon: FYI, Wednesday through Friday I have a pretty full teaching schedule.
Andy: Eh, cool. We'll figure that out.
Nate: Also, FYI,I don't technically have a hearing problem, but sometimes when there's a lot of noises occurring uh at the same time, I'll hear 'em as one big jumble. Uh, again it's not that I can't hear, uh because that's false. I can. Um, I just can't distinguish between everything I'm hearing.
Andy: Got it. Duly noted. You! [points to Bruce] Coolest tank top I have ever seen. Where did you get that?
Bruce: Made it.
Andy: So cool! What a cross-section we have here. That's what I love about interviewing. I get to meet all these people I wouldn't ordinarily meet or know or even talk to.


 ‘Lotto’ Quotes

Quote from Darryl

Darryl: I've never been lucky. And I'm not talking about the lottery, I'm talking about stuff like developing a soy allergy at thirty-five. Who gets a soy allergy at thirty-five? And why is soy in everything?

Quote from Creed

Creed: I already won the lottery. I was born in the US of A, baby. And as backup I have a Swiss passport.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: What's the problem? Grunting is scientifically proven to add more power. Ask any female tennis player. Or her husband.