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Jury Duty

‘Jury Duty’

Season 8, Episode 13 - Aired February 2, 2012

Jim gets caught in a lie after he misses a week of work for jury duty. Meanwhile, the accounting staff pay a visit to Angela, who has just given birth prematurely.

Quote from Creed

Pam: Yes, well, you guys all know Cece, but we wanted to introduce you to baby Philip.
Andy: Aw! You guys. He's licking on my finger, just like my cat does.
Creed: Let me have a turn.
Pam: No, it's the pacifier's turn.
Creed: All right.


Quote from Pam

Jim: Did you say something about this one bringing in something for these people?
Pam: [gasps] Yes! Cece wanted to thank everybody for letting her daddy stay home with her all last week and play, so she brought you a little treat.
Phyllis: Cookies?
Pam: No, but that would've been a really good idea.
Jim: That was a great idea.
Pam: No, she brought you drawings.

Quote from Pam

Andy: Wow, these are incredible. Cece, did you do these?
Cece: No.
Pam: She says "no" to everything. You know, she thinks my name is "No." Cece, do you want some broccoli?
Cece: Yes.
Pam: No. It's crazy.

Quote from Jim

Ryan: Why am I shorter than the table that I'm standing next to?
Andy: There's cross-hatching in some of these. That's kind of advanced for a two-year-old.
Kelly: Cece, this is your big sister Kelly. Did you color this pretty picture?
Cece: No.
Kelly: So then this means nothing to you. [rips picture]
Andy: Hey, Cece, why don't you draw another picture for us, exactly like this one, or at least in the exact same style?
Jim: You know what? I don't think you need to do things on command. That's very weird. I'll just take that. Thank you. I think we should just wrap up the show, kiddos. Right?

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