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Siblings and Sombreros

‘Siblings and Sombreros’

Season 6, Episode 19 -  Aired April 8, 2015

When Frankie gets caught in the middle of an argument between Axl and Sue over a sombrero, she decides to stop being impartial and let each kid know she's on their side. Meanwhile, Mike is shocked to learn that Brick has been name Athlete of the Month at school.

Quote from Sue

Brad: [both talk while smiling widely] Do you think it took yet?
Sue: I don't know how much longer I can sit in this crow poop.
Brad: Oh, I know. It's disgusting. Somebody should clean this thing.
Sue: [gasps] Oh, my God! We should start a community project to clean the cow.
Brad: Sue, that is a great idea! Love, love, love. Okay, it has to have taken by now.
Sue: Yeah.
[The photo is taken while Sue and Brad massage massage their jaws]


Quote from Brick

Brick: What's that move called again?
Mike: A lay-up.
Brick: And that's worth two points, right?
Mike: Yes, always worth two points, unless you're beyond the three-point line.
Brick: And where is that?
Mike: You really want to know this stuff?
Brick: Yeah. I really do.

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