Sue Quote #778

Quote from Sue in The Man Hunt

Sue: I suck at flirting.
Mike: You're not at college to flirt. You're there to learn.
Frankie: [sighs] Don't you have to go shut down some dancing in Footloose town? Honey, don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you're fine at flirting.
Sue: No, Mom, I'm really not. Last night, I tried to talk to a guy, and I almost died. [Frankie scoffs] Not metaphorically. Literally. He had to Heimlich me. I heard it's on YouTube.


 ‘The Man Hunt’ Quotes

Quote from Mike

Mike: Listen, Brick, I'm sorry about what happened the other day. I shouldn't have blown up at you. That wasn't your fault. That was mine. When you kept asking if you could ride in the truck, I should have stuck to my guns when I said no. So that's on me.
Brick: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have touched anything without asking you first. Hey, wait. I feel like that was kind of man-like... taking responsibility for my actions.
Mike: That's a good start. You know, you keep asking what it means to be a man, and the truth is there's not just one way. Every morning, you get up, there's a thousand chances to do the right thing, be a good man. Hopefully, you get most of them right. You're not gonna get all of them right. You're just trying to stay above .500.
Brick: I just have one question.
Mike: Baseball.
Brick: Ah, right. Got it.
Mike: Oh, hey. [brakes squeak] I know that, uh, having some sort of a demarcation was important to you, so I got you something.
Brick: [chuckles] Wow. [Brick takes a blue flannel shirt out of a bag] This is awesome! [Mike chuckles] Thanks, Dad. I've often felt the siren song of plaid, but I always thought it was your thing. I'll try to live up to it.
Mike: All right.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Brilliant, isn't it? While you suckers are stuck here throwing money away on this pit, we are taking a mobile house party wherever we go.
Frankie: Where did you even get this thing?
Axl: Where does anyone get anything awesome? Police auction. You can't even tell this was once a mobile crack den.
Hutch: It started at $600 then got up to $800 before we realized we were the only ones bidding. Which, by the way, is only two months' rent, so who's laughing now?
Mike: The crackheads who get to live in prison instead of this thing.
Axl: [scoffs] Okay. Anyway, once we get settled in on campus, we'll have you guys over. Or we'll come over here. Either way.
Hutch: Yeah, we can have you over at our house at your house.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Wi-Fi locked. Wi-Fi locked. Oh! There we go! "Grandma's Wi-Fi"... Oh. [Hutch laughs] ...which means, if my calculations are correct, the password will be "password." [snaps fingers] I'm in. Yes! Drop anchor!
Hutch: Yeah. Phew! Free Wi-Fi and a perfect view.
Axl: Hey, look, we're right by the Psych building. I'm only gonna be 10 minutes late to class tomorrow instead of 20.
Hutch: Oh, hell, yes. [Axl laughs] Hey, do you want to order Chinese or something? Share a first meal in our new home?
Axl: Oh, I'm on it. Oh, hang on a sec. Let me just lean my head out the window and find out what our address is.
Hutch: Oh! [grabs Axl's leg so he doesn't fall out] Oh.