Sue Quote #369

Quote from Sue in The Friend

Sue: Okay, okay. They were really good. But we can do this. This is the moment we've been waiting for our entire lives.
Ruth: The rapture?
Sue: No, Ruth. But that's a biggie, too.


 ‘The Friend’ Quotes

Quote from Frankie

Jeff: Hey, Frankie! Told you. Never forget.
Frankie: Oh. You out getting some exercise?
Jeff: [laughs] No. I was just returning those casserole dishes to the Donahues. You didn't want that paper plate back, did you?
Frankie: Oh, no. That is our gift to you. [both laugh] You know, Jeff, this might sound weird, but you're really friendly, and my husband... well, he's not always, and I was just wondering if maybe you could ask him to hang out sometime.
Jeff: Oh. Uh...
Frankie: I don't want to imply that he doesn't have any friends. It's just, his dad is a recluse, and Mike definitely has those tendencies. Not that he's gonna become one, but you know, in the back of my mind, I worry about it. Oh, he's also a hoarder. Mike's dad is, not Mike. Anyway...
Jeff: Listen, Frankie, I've got one rule in life: I'll have a beer with anyone.

Quote from Mike

Mike: You're telling guys I'm shy? First off, you don't use that word. And if anything, it's "stoic."
Frankie: Mike, it's not like I'm going around talking about you. I only said you were... stoic as to how it related to your dad.
Mike: W-what are you doing talking about my dad?
Frankie: I don't know, just how you can be sort of like him, and how he hardly leaves the house and he's a hoarder, and he-
Mike: Are you out of your mind?
Frankie: Mike, who cares? If you had a good time, what does it matter how you and Jeff got together?
Mike: Because I'm a grown man! Your wife doesn't call other grown men and ask them to take you out. It's weird.
Frankie: Yeah, but you weren't doing it.
Mike: I'm not 5, Frankie. I don't need you to set up playdates for me. I have friends, okay?
Frankie: And I told him that. I totally told him you have friends.
Mike: Aah!

Quote from Brick

Axl: I need you to teach me stuff so I can talk to people.
Brick: It's Cassidy, isn't it? You're feeling intellectually inferior.
Axl: No. But if you must know, I feel she's smarter than me.
Brick: Ah. I knew this day would come a day I'd become more to you than something to Indian burn, whip a towel at, or force to smell your farts.
Axl: Just shut up and help me.