Frankie Quote #952

Quote from Frankie in One Kid at a Time

Frankie: There you are. Where have you been?
Axl: [to Mike] Oh, hey, um, wait. Can we, like, not tell Mom about this? 'Cause she's gonna ask a million questions and be super annoying.
Mike: I gotta tell her. I'll give you a few seconds head start.
Axl: Okay. [keeps walking]
Frankie: Hey.
Mike: [speaks inaudibly to Frankie]
Frankie: What? Who is she? When did he meet her? What's her name? How long has he been seeing her?


 ‘One Kid at a Time’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Brick: It's 10:00 AM. I didn't know whether I should wake you up. I already made myself breakfast and did my push-up. Today is my day, right?
Mike: It is, Brick. Sorry, we're just beat. It's been a long weekend.
Brick: I decided I don't wanna go to the library.
Frankie: Oh, good. Oh. I mean, we don't have to go anywhere to have a special day. We can just watch TV all day.
Brick: You always let me watch TV.
Frankie: Yes, but we'll let you watch it in bed with us.
Brick: No, I still wanna go somewhere. While I was waiting for you guys to wake up, I read in the newspaper that there's a Planet Nowhere convention in Indianapolis today.
Mike: Oh, come on, Brick, no. It's a long drive to Indianapolis.
Brick: Perfect. It'll give me plenty of time to fill you in on the series. See, what a lot of people don't know about the Planet Nowhere series is that it's an allegory. Now, all the tribes...

Quote from Brick

Brick: And so, ironically, for the Vernegos to ultimately triumph over the Silligans, they must first abandon their planet entirely and wander the galaxy for - you guessed it - 11 centuries.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: [v.o.] Since the dawn of time, trying to get anywhere with your kids has been a challenge.
Axl: Oh, my God. Why are you so late? I've been standing out there forever. Look. I got a snotsicle.
Mike: Put your coat on, you moron.
Frankie: Ugh. Brick couldn't find his book. And you can't go to dinner like that.
Axl: I'm gonna change. Relax.
Mike: Don't tell your mom to relax.
Frankie: Brick wants to go to Don's Oriental Food.
Axl: Ugh! No way. No foreign food. I want spaghetti.