Mike Quote #228

Quote from Mike in Errand Boy

Mike: How you doing? Mike Heck.
Steve: Oh. Hi. Steve Kendrick. You didn't have to bring that over. I was gonna come get it.
Mike: Ah, it's okay. I was in the area. Thought I'd save you a trip.
Steve: I appreciate that. [steps forward to take the sleeping bag]
Mike: [steps back] And I'm happy to do it. Listen, Steve, I wanted to kinda talk to you, Dad to Dad. You might not know, but your daughter didn't invite my daughter Sue to the sleepover, and now she calls and asks for the sleeping bag.
Steve: Oh, man.
Mike: Yeah, I know.
Steve: Wow. Thanks for bringing it over.
Mike: Oh. Hang on. I don't think you're gettin' it. See, they're supposedly friends, and we're talking about a young girl's feelings here.
Steve: I know, but Shannon wanted to keep it small.
Mike: Sure, but what's one more, right?
Steve: Well, Shannon thinks we actually only have room for five.
Mike: Oh, then it's a square footage thing. I bet we could squeeze in one more. What's your family room, 200, 280? Should be plenty of room for six sleeping bags, especially if we stagger' em.
Steve: We have a big coffee table.
Mike: I'll help you move it.
Steve: It's iron.
Mike: I got socket wrenches in my trunk. I bet we could take that baby apart in ten seconds.


 ‘Errand Boy’ Quotes

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: "Uh-oh"? That's all you can say? Why were you even using the oven?
Brick: Well, you didn't tell me not to. You said no pay-per-view, no baths, no-
Frankie: I didn't think I had to! Nobody in this house ever uses the oven! That's why I use it to store Aunt Pearl's quilt!
Brick: I just wanted to make pizza rolls.
Frankie: Microwave is for pizza rolls! The oven is for bulky storage. See, this is what happens when I go against my instincts. You are never staying home alone again! End of story!
Brick: Hello? I still need my lunch.

Quote from Brick

[Frankie slowly closes the door while keeping an eye on brick. She walks over to the window and looks in.]
Frankie: [v.o.] What was I worried about? All he does is sit on the couch and read anyway. Everything was gonna be fine. [Frankie walks away] And it would've been fine... If he hadn't finished his book.
[Brick goes over and turns the garbage disposal on]
[Brick goes to the bathroom, drinks some mouthwash and spits it back into the bottle]
[Brick plays with Axl's electric guitar]
[Brick walks around like a robot after putting a metal strainer on his head and wrapping foil around himself]
Frankie: [v.o.] And there he was, right where I left him. What was I worried about? [sniffs] Ah! Brick, what happened?! [fire alarm beeps] Brick, what- Oh! Brick!
Brick: Uh-oh.

Quote from Mike

Sue: Hey, Dad. Why do you still have the sleeping bag?
Mike: They didn't want it. They don't realize how terrific this sleeping bag is. If they can't appreciate this sleeping bag... To hell with 'em.
Sue: It's really not that great. I think Mom found it at the church. [Sue signals for Mike to sit down next to her] Wow, what an awesome week. First, a Wrestlerette almost borrows my sleeping bag. And now I get to watch most a movie with just my Dad.
Frankie: [v.o.] Mike knew the truth would come out. Somebody would text somebody, who'd put it on their Facebook page that there was a party, and she wasn't there, and he was. Yep, there was gonna be a whole lot of junior high pain coming Sue's way tomorrow. So Mike decided they should just enjoy tonight.
Mike: So explain to me again why her only choices for a date are a vampire and a wolf man.
Sue: It's not a date, Dad. They're battling for Bella's soul. And see that one there, Edward... He's in love with Bella, but then Taylor Lautner came along.
Mike: He's the one with the abs?
Sue: Exactly. And so now she's sort of conflicted, because she had to choose between Taylor Lautner and his gorgeous abs and Robert Pattinson and that hair.