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Meet The Parents

‘Meet The Parents’

Season 9, Episode 3 - Aired October 17, 2017

Frankie and Mike meet Lexie's parents, Bennett (Gregory Harrison) and Tammy (Lisa Rinna). Meanwhile, Brick is excited to participate in the "Sophomore Slammer" fundraiser as he waits patiently for the shenanigans he expects from his sophomore year.

Quote from Mike

[Bennett and Tammy pull up in a convertible behind Mike and Frankie]
Mike: You know what, I bet you Bennett didn't start his own business. I bet he inherited it from Daddy.
Frankie: That's not what TamTam said. She said he started it with only $40.
Mike: Well, no one ever gave me $40.
Bennett: [horn honks] Everything okay up there?
Mike: Yep, fine! Everything's fine!
Frankie: Here's what I don't get, why would you up and give Sue $5 for no reason?
Mike: I don't know. I felt like it. That's all.
Frankie: No, I think you were being competitive. Bennett brings Lexie a new computer, and all of a sudden, you're tossin' around fivers like you're Fiddy Cent.
Mike: Hey, he brought her that laptop knowing full well we would be there to see it. He was showing off. He's a showoff.
Bennett: Hey, Mike. No cash on you?
Mike: Uh...
Bennett: Happens to all of us. I already got the guy. You're good to go. [mirror clatters]
Mike: Huh. That's funny. That never... Yeah.


Quote from Mike

Frankie: Come inside! It's raining! You're not gonna finish this whole thing now!
Mike: I'm not planning on finishing today. I'm just gonna till the soil now and lay down the seed this weekend.
Frankie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! You know, you... you... you can't do that! You can't do that 'cause we're going to the lake house this weekend!
Mike: What? No, we're not.
Frankie: But this the last weekend before they close it up for the winter. It's now or never.
Mike: Never.
Frankie: What?
Mike: Just 'cause we got invited, doesn't mean we got to go.
Frankie: Why wouldn't we want to go? It's a fabulous lake house with rotating sisters who cook for you. Give me one good reason why we can't go.
Mike: How 'bout I give you a thou?

Quote from Mike

Frankie: Oh. Okay. I get what's happening. You're jealous.
Mike: I'm not jealous. There are just not a lot of weekends left, and it's gonna turn cold and the ground will be too hard to till, and then it'll be another whole year before I can get this done.
Frankie: Which is the exact reason why we should go to the lake house.
Mike: I'm not worried about the lake house. I'm worried about our house house... which is the only one we have... which is why I would like it to be nice!

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] So we went to the lake. And it was more fabulous than I imagined. Unfortunately, I ate a bad roadside corn dog on the way up and spent the whole weekend sick. But Mike had the time of his life. At least the bathroom I barfed in was unbelievable.

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