Eleanor Quote #185

Quote from Eleanor in Derek

Eleanor: Look, I gave you bad advice, okay? Jason was clearly important to you, and real heartbreak doesn't have a simple cure. I mean, you will feel better after some time goes by.
Janet: I don't really experience the passage of time. I do use it as lotion occasionally.
Eleanor: I mean, weird, but keep doing it because your skin looks amazing.
Janet: Thank you. Not skin.
Eleanor: The point is, to get through a real heartbreak, you kind of just have to sit with your feelings and mull it over and power through. And you have to talk about it. [groans] Talking about your feelings is the worst. It's so much easier just to find a rebound guy and have sex about your feelings.
Janet: I don't know if I want to talk to Jason right now.
Eleanor: That's cool. Until then... If you ever need a friend to talk to... Just know I'm here.


 ‘Derek’ Quotes

Quote from Tahani

Michael: Hey, guys.
Tahani: [gasps] Michael, you frightened me. Jason's making me watch this horror film about two ex-convicts who try to rob and murder a neglected child. [Home Alone plays]

Quote from Jason

Tahani: I hereby pronounce you King Jason.
Jason: Dope. Where did you learn how to do this?
Tahani: The Hertfordshire Academy for Expressionless Girls. It was a finishing school I attended before Oxford, and then, of course, the Sorbonne. Do you know what, I don't think I ever asked you were educated.
Jason: I went to Lynyrd Skynyrd High School in Northeast Jacksonville, which was really just a bunch of tugboats tied together.
Tahani: Didn't you get seasick?
Jason: No, sorry... they were tied together in a junk yard. It wasn't a very good school. For most of my classes, we just sold dirty magazines door-to-door.
Tahani: You know, Jason, every single detail about your life is... deeply disturbing. And yet, I envy you. I was never allowed to goof off. Never even had a friend I could just be myself around.
Jason: Maybe I can be that friend. Or your husband.
Tahani: [chuckles] Okay, stop it.
Jason: No, no, no, I'm serious. Will you marry me?

Quote from Tahani

Michael: Hey, I've got some great news. I've arranged for you to have a weekend getaway. I bet you're tired of being cooped up in this house, aren't you?
Tahani: I am a bit, actually. All this time indoors has degraded my skin from radiant to merely dewy. Me? Dewy?