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Jeremy Bearimy

‘Jeremy Bearimy’

Season 3, Episode 5 - Aired October 18, 2018

Michael has some explaining to do after Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason overhear him and Janet discussing the Good Place.

Quote from Eleanor

Fred: Oh, my goodness. Thank you so much.
Eleanor: It was nothing. [he inspects his wallet] Dude, I didn't take your money. I would never even think of doing that.
Fred: No, no, no, I'm not worried about that. Ah, here it is. I started a new job a few months ago and I got really nervous. So my daughter Carolyn drew this for me to make me feel better. Ah, it's my good luck charm. Every time I'm stressed at work now, I just have to look at this and I feel, you know, safe. Look, a lot of people wouldn't have tried so hard to get this to me. You are a good person, Eleanor. I really hope my daughter turns out like you when she grows up. [chuckles] Are you all right?
Eleanor: [sobs] No, you shut up. Sorry. It's been a weird day.


Quote from Tahani

Jason: Excuse me, miss. We'd like to buy one opera, please.
Tahani: Uh... what he means is, I would like to give two million dollars to the Sydney Opera.
Woman: Miss Al-Jamil, this is... so generous. With a donation of that size we will dedicate our rehearsal hall in your honor.
Tahani: Thank you, but no. Lovely as it sounds to add to my collection of wings and atria, the gift will be anonymous.
Woman: As you wish. I'll draw up the papers.

Quote from Tahani

Tahani: Well, I was thinking about why I was sent to hell. As one is wont to do when one has recently been told that one had been sent to hell. And it occurred to me, I have always been held captive by my desire for attention. Now that I know how it all ends, I just want to be virtuous for virtue's sake.
Jason: That's beautiful. I gotta say, though, if you want to do more charity I know a way that could be a lot of fun.

Quote from Chidi

Michael: Hey, guys. It... it's really nice to see you, um... is everything OK? Other than, you know, everything?
Chidi: We've started to accept our fates. It's all chilli under the bridge.

Quote from Michael

Michael: It goes without saying that we're in. Let's say it anyway.
Janet: Okay, we're i...
Michael: All right, you go.
Janet: We're...
Michael: We're i...
Janet: We're in!
Michael: [chuckles] We're just so excited.
Janet: We're in!

Quote from Tahani

Larry Hemsworth: There you are, my love. I was just on my way to the MRI lab, thought I heard your voice. Ready to go to the airport? Start our lives together?
Eleanor: Go ahead Tahani, we're rolling.

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