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The Engagement

‘The Engagement’

Season 1, Episode 1 -  Aired September 14, 1985

Dorothy and Rose are concerned when Blance considers marrying a man she met only a week ago. Meanwhile, Sophia arrives at the girls' house after her retirement home burns down.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: When I go, put me in a steel sack and leave me on the curb next to the cans.
Dorothy: We thought you were asleep.
Sophia: You never know.


Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Ma, you want to join us?
Sophia: Nope. I gotta rest. I got a date tonight.
Dorothy: Huh? With whom?
Sophia: The fancy man and I are going to the dog track.
Blanche: Your mother bets?
Dorothy: No, she rides. She's a dog jockey.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Hi there.
Dorothy: Ma! Ma, what's the matter?
Sophia: Everyone is fine. No one died. The home burned down.
Dorothy: My God, are you all right? How'd you get here?
Sophia: I hitched.
Dorothy: Oh, Ma!
Sophia: A cab. I took a cab.
Dorothy: Well, you should've called.
Sophia: I'm perfectly capable of managing by myself. I don't need help. I'm a totally independent person.
Dorothy: I know, I know.
Sophia: I need $67 for the cab.

Quote from Rose

Rose: There's just something about it I don't like, and I have to tell Blanche.
Dorothy: Tell Blanche what?
Rose: That she can't marry him!
Dorothy: The wedding is in 12 minutes! You can't tell her that.
Rose: I owe it to her. I'm her friend.
Dorothy: But there's nothing to tell her. This is just some crazy hunch.
Rose: My hunches are never wrong. Mrs. Gandhi would be alive today if she had taken my call.

Quote from Rose

Rose: This is so sad. We were all so lonely and then by a miracle we found each other.
Dorothy: Rose, we both answered an ad to share Blanche's house that we found in the supermarket. It was not the resurrection. It is hardly a miracle.
Rose: To me it was a miracle because we're happy. It's not fair, you know. I mean, we get married, we have kids, the kids leave, and our husbands die. Is that some kind of a test? You don't work that hard, you don't go through everything you go through to be left alone. We are alone, Dorothy, we really are. Our families are gone and we're alone. And there are too many years left, and I don't know what to do.
Sophia: Get a poodle.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Oh, Sophia, honey! How nice to see you.
Sophia: Who are you?
Blanche: It's me, Blanche.
Sophia: You look like a prostitute.
Rose: Sophia, the things you say! She didn't mean that, Blanche.
Sophia: Of course I mean it. Look at her. My cab driver would fall in love.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Can I get something to eat, or is the fancy man in the kitchen?
Rose: The way she talks!
Blanche: She can't help it.
Rose: Oh, I've known plenty of women who have had strokes. Some of them were in very bad shape, but they're still ladies.
Blanche: But, Rose, this stroke destroyed the part of her brain that censors what she says. So she just says whatever she thinks. She can't help it.
Sophia: [returning] He's an OK petunia.

Quote from Sophia

Harry: Thanks, ladies. It was a pleasure. [exiting]
Dorothy: Nice meeting you, Harry. Have fun!
Sophia: The man is a scuzzball.

Quote from Rose

Rose: It's yes. I know it is. She's gonna marry him.
Dorothy: Oh, come on, Rose.
Rose: She can't help it. Blanche needs a man. She told me, when George died, she made a date at the funeral. Oh, not that she didn't love George. She can't be without a man. You know what I'm saying? [thrusting her hips]

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: I taught a class today, the finest school in Dade County. Two girls had shaved heads and three boys had green hair.
Coco: They're expressing themselves.
Dorothy: Well, I expressed myself. I told them they had to leave. They were too ugly to look at. Now the parents are mad. A father came in in a three-piece suit and defended Tiffany, a bald girl with a nose ring.

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