Dorothy Quote #1210

Quote from Dorothy in The Monkey Show

Gloria: Right now, my life feels like one frightening gaping maw ready to consume me. Did you ever feel like that?
Dorothy: Every day. And then something changed. I made friends, I found support. And, of course, I had Ma. Frightening, gaping Ma.


 ‘The Monkey Show’ Quotes

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma, what are you doing?
Sophia: Filling sandbags, Dorothy. There's a hurricane a-coming.
Dorothy: "A-coming"?
Sophia: That's right. People only use the "A" when a really big storm is a-coming or a-brewing. So grab a sack and start a-shoveling.

Quote from Rose

Blanche: Oh, you're back from your session early. Was it as cathartic as you thought?
Dorothy: Well, I don't know if "cathartic" is the word.
Rose: You should do what I do. I find if I repeat a word that's confused me, I look smarter than I really am. Like, "Was it cathartic?" "Oh, I've had a catharticism." "Of course, I'm not the type to kiss and cathartirize."

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma, the weather report said nothing about a hurricane.
Sophia: Ida Pearlberg down at the senior center woke up this morning with a leg cramp. Need I say more?
Dorothy: Yes.
Sophia: Dorothy, when you get around my age, two things happen. One, you get more intuitive about the weather. And two, corn becomes your enemy.