Sophia Quote #1442
Quote from Sophia in An Illegitimate Concern
Sophia: Please, Dorothy. If we win this thing, I can die a happy woman.
Dorothy: Ma, I refuse to be a part of your neurotic need to be number one. Now, just let it go.
Sophia: How many challenges do I have left in life? Seeing if I can get more than halfway across the street before the "Don't Walk" sign comes on. Trying to stay awake on the john. Hoping it is the john. Competition is the thing that keeps me going. But, if you want me to let it go.
The Golden Girls Quotes
‘An Illegitimate Concern’ Quotes
Quote from Dorothy
Blanche: Why did George cheat on me?
Rose: Why does any man cheat?
Dorothy: Well, there are two popular theories. One, men are victims of an evolutionary process which genetically programs their sexual habits.
Blanche: What's the other theory?
Dorothy: Men are scum.
Quote from Rose
Dorothy: Oh, now, that is really odd. I mean, if he's selling encyclopedias, why didn't he try to sell us a set?
Rose: And you know what else is so strange about it? He didn't bring them in.
Blanche: Rose. No encyclopedia salesman lugs around 26 volumes door-to-door.
Rose: Are you kidding? In St. Olaf they carry 52.
Blanche: Why?
Rose: Balance.
Dorothy: Rose, why don't they just carry 13 in each hand?
Rose: Excuse me. I have to make a phone call.
Quote from Rose
Rose: I should have said no to the Miss St. Olaf beauty pageant. It was 1951. That was the first year they let humans enter too. I was way ahead after the evening-gown and log-rolling competition. People don't realize how hard it is to roll log when you're wearing an evening gown. And the shocker is I lost out on the intelligence quiz.
Dorothy: Quelle surprise!
Rose: Don't I know it. They asked me to name the seven dwarves, and I did. But evidently I didn't name the seven they had in mind.
Dorothy: Rose, hand me that newspaper.
Rose: No. You're gonna hit me with it.
Dorothy: No, I won't.
Rose: You promise?
Dorothy: I promise. [Dorothy hands the newspaper to Blanche, who hits Rose with it]