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Not Another Monday

‘Not Another Monday’

Season 5, Episode 7 - Aired November 11, 1989

Sophia doesn't know what to do when one of her friends, Martha, asks for help ending her life. Meanwhile, the girls look after a neighbor's baby.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: [on the phone] Harry? Dorothy. Listen, I'm so sorry I have to call you at home, but we're taking care of the Lillistrand baby, and he's running a very high fever. Could you come over right away? No, this is not Blanche playing a joke.


Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Dorothy, do you think this looks alluring and yet nurselike?
Dorothy: I don't know, Blanche. Maybe the earrings put it over the top.
Blanche: Oh, no, I did that for the baby, they love shiny things. Listen, maybe you two oughtta wait in the kitchen with the kid.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Oh, Harry, thanks so much for coming over.
Harry: Frank! Frank, talk to me. What's going on here?
Blanche: He isn't feeling very well, so we thought we'd have you over for a drink.
Dorothy: Hey, why don't we just forget the baby and go dancing?
Harry: Oh! Blanche, that is some outfit! What do you call that?
Blanche: A negligee.
Harry: Brings back fond memories. My mother used to have one just like it.
Blanche: Here, take him. He's wet.
Harry: Well, somebody better change him, or he'll get a rash on his winky.

Quote from Rose

Dorothy: We're sorry we had to disturb you, Harry, but he's running a fever of 103.
Blanche: What do you think it is?
Harry: Well, he could be teething, it could be the flu. Maybe he's just a hypochondriac.
Rose: Really?

Quote from Blanche

Harry: Give him four drops of this right now, and then once every two hours. Give him plenty of fluids so he doesn't get dehydrated. And I'll check back on you tomorrow.
Blanche: When are we supposed to sleep? Not that I mind. I was born to heal.
Dorothy: Heel, Blanche!
Harry: Welcome back to motherhood, ladies. I'm sure you were good mothers and you remember what to do.
Blanche, watch the others. You look like you pick up things quickly.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Boom
Together: Boom, boom, boom Boom, boom, boom, boom Boom Boom, boom, boom, boom Boom Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom Boom Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom Mr. Sandman Bring me a dream Boom, boom, boom, boom Make him the cutest that I've ever seen Boom, boom, boom, boom Give him two lips like roses and clover Boom, boom, boom, boom Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over [silence] ... [crying]
Rose: Boom.
Together: Mr. Sandman [deep] Yes? Bring me a dream Make him the cutest that I've ever seen Give him the word that I'm not a rover Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over Mr. Sandman I'm so alone.
Sophia: Boy, you guys really stink.

Quote from Rose

Dorothy: We were just singing the baby to sleep.
Sophia: It was waking me up.
Blanche: Maybe we ought to go out in the kitchen.
Rose: So we can talk.
Blanche: So we can eat.
Rose: Better.

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