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Dancing in the Dark

‘Dancing in the Dark’

Season 5, Episode 6 - Aired November 4, 1989

When Rose starts dating a college professor, she feels she's not smart enough to be with him. Meanwhile, Blanche experiences a rare slump in her romantic life.

Quote from Rose

Elise: We were just having a little disagreement. Now, Harv, Moby Dick is about self-fulfilling prophesy.
Harv: Oh, come on, Elise. The whale represents coming to terms with the self-hatred that's in all of us. What do you think?
Rose: Uh I-I was just having a conversation with two people over there speculating on if you could have any two people in the world, living or dead, to your house for dinner, what would you eat?


Quote from Rose

Miles: She sure left in a hurry.
Sophia: Hey, who told her to feed me cabbage?

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Don't make fun, Dorothy. This is the fifth Friday night in a row I haven't had a date.
Dorothy: Honey, you're just in a little slump.
Blanche: Is that what this is? I never been in one before. Well, it feels like hell. Dorothy, how do you go through this for years at a stretch?
Dorothy: I have compassionate friends around me.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Blanche, you're being ridiculous. You are as attractive and desirable as you always were. But a lot of men can be frightened by that. They don't know if they can handle that much woman. So every once in a while this'll happen. No, Blanche, it takes a strong, confident, sophisticated man to appreciate you. But, honey, they're out there wanting you as much as you want them.
Blanche: I knew it had to be something like that. Thank you, Dorothy. [exits]
Dorothy: There really is one born every minute.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Miles is my dancing partner at the ballroom.
Miles: Oh, yes, and tonight we were the king and queen of the rumba.
Rose: Ole!

Quote from Rose

Miles: Rose, I was wondering. If you're not busy Saturday afternoon, the university is playing Shostakovich.
Rose: Oh, I'd love to go. And I'll bet we beat 'em.
Dorothy: Rose, honey, it's not a team. It's a composer.

Quote from Rose

Rose: I'm not going back out there. He'll never miss me.
Dorothy: Of course he'll miss you. Rose, you're the one he came to see.
Rose: But he can talk to you. Why should he care about what I'd have to say? I'm just not smart enough to keep up.
Dorothy: Oh, now, Rose, that is not true.
Rose: It is and you know it. I've never felt like this before. I was one of the smartest people in St. Olaf. I was a fool to think we could have a relationship. Please apologize to him for me. I'd do it, but it would just sound stupid.

Quote from Dorothy

Rose: You go, Blanche.
Blanche: What?
Rose: Well, you like him. I know you do. So you go.
Blanche: Why, I couldn't.
Dorothy: Of course she couldn't.
Blanche: You stay outta this, Dorothy.
Rose: Well, why not? It's all over between us. He'll know that tonight.
Blanche: It's impossible. I'd- I'd feel like a- I'd feel like a-
Dorothy: A backstabbing slut?

Quote from Rose

Rose: Then please go, for me.I'll feel better kno wing this thing is finally over with.
Blanche: Well, since you put it that way... But only as a personal favor to you, honey. Well, I guess I'd better go get dressed.
Rose: Thank you, Blanche. ... Can you believe that backstabbing slut?

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: All he did all night was talk about you. How sweet Rose is. How attractive Rose is. How much fun Rose is. I might as well have worn a bra.
Rose: Did he really say that? You're not just making that up?
Blanche: I never make up stories where I come out lookin' bad.

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