Murray Quote #258
Quote from Murray in Goldbergs Feel Hard
Murray: That was my first and last "I Love You", ever!
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘Goldbergs Feel Hard’ Quotes
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: And I'm not saying other people don't love their children, I'm just saying I love mine way more than they love theirs. So, to sum it all up, Momma Hawk's gonna miss Baby Bird.
Quote from Murray
Murray: Okay, you're rage-cleaning. Before you wipe a hole in the counter, tell me what I did.
Quote from Barry
Barry: Surprise! It's Barry!
Lainey: Oh, my God. What are you doing?
Barry: I'm the fighting quaker! I thought dressing in a giant, rubber Donald Sutherland head would be the perfect way of making things less weird between us.