Barry Quote #793

Quote from Barry in Bachelor Party

Barry: Time to talk bachelor party, best man. Last night, I taped a movie off Cinemax starring Tom Hanks that forever changed my life. "Bachelor Party."
Dave Kim: My dad said that movie was a raunchy shlockfest that celebrates the lowest form of comedy.
Barry: Your dad knows his stuff. It is brilliant, and I want it to be the blueprint for my zany bachelor party.
Adam: What exactly do you mean by "zany"?
Barry: I'm talking about a giant rager in a hotel suite with sketchy babes, unruly Japanese businessmen, and a beer-guzzling mule that passes out.
Adam: That sounds very adult.
Barry: Exactly! Everyone's saying I'm just a dumb kid who's stupidly getting married. But this party will prove I'm a dumb adult who's stupidly getting married.


 ‘Bachelor Party’ Quotes

Quote from Bill Lewis

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Even though my mom treated my dad to a new Bitter, it just made him more bitter than ever.
Murray: I mean it, Bevy. I'm returning that damn car. The last thing I need is the Ferrari of Austria.
Bill Lewis: Sure you do. Those people make a quality product. They gave us the boomerang and Crocodile Dundee.
Beverly: It's Austria, not Australia. My God. Just let me handle this, okay?

Quote from Bill Lewis

Adult Adam: [v.o.] In that moment, my dad would ask a question that would change the course of history.
Murray: What's that?
John Calabasas: That, my friend, is the Bitter. It's Austrian. So very rare.
Murray: Kind of looks like a Ferrari. I really loved those as a kid.
Beverly: Come on, Murray. For once in your life, just treat yourself.
Bill Lewis: And what a treat! Hey, Mur! Individual seat heaters! You know what they call that? "The marriage saver." Maybe if I had these bun toasters, I'd still be married. [laughs] Who am I kidding? We had separate bedrooms, only said hi in the hallway. But come on! Ah, [bleep] it.

Quote from Coach Mellor

Coach Mellor: Goldbergs, you're up. Unlock and unload.
Beverly: Mwah, mwah. Go. Be the amazing, delicious boys I birthed you to be.
Barry: Damn it! You know this door doesn't open from the inside. You got to get out and open it.
Coach Mellor: Goldberg, Goldfarb, let's hurry it up.
Beverly: Damn it, just get out on Adam's side.
Adam: Daah! The door's bungee-d shut 'cause Dad slammed it too hard after the Eagles lost.
Beverly: Oh, poop! [horn honks]
Coach Mellor: No, you don't get out. They get out.
Beverly: If I don't get out, they can't get out. I'm sorry. I had to take Murray's car today.
Coach Mellor: I don't need your backstory, Norman Mailer.