Adam Quote #424

Quote from Adam in Fonzie Scheme

Barry: Okay. Here's the plan. I need you to dig down and use a sudden burst of super strength to pull this cart off me.
Adam: What? I don't have super strength!
Barry: Come on, it's like when a mom pulls a car off her kid.
Adam: I can do this!
Barry: Save baby Barry.
Adam: I'm a mama, and you're my scrumptious little boopie!


 ‘Fonzie Scheme’ Quotes

Quote from Murray

Beverly: Look at all the amazing people you're with.
Adam: Yeah, I didn't know Martin from Martin's Aquarium did all this stuff. He plays jazz, sailed around the world.
Erica: Yeah, and that guy from Vantresca's Tuxedo climbs mountains and volunteers at the zoo.
Beverly: Here it is, Mur. Behold.
Barry: "Hobbies: Watching The Weather Channel and 'getting comfortable.'" Hmm. He nailed it.
Beverly: This is all you wrote, Murray?
Murray: What? I only had a month to think of stuff.

Quote from Barry

Barry: There it is, gentlemen, the answer to all our problems.
Adam: Uh, how, exactly?
Barry: Easy. We steal Cecil the janitor's golf cart and replace the one we sunk. It's the perfect crime.
Naked Rob: But then Cecil has no cart.
Barry: Way ahead of you. We then steal another golf cart from a different country club to replace Cecil's.
Geoff: But then wouldn't the second golf course be missing their cart?
Barry: Which is why we steal and replace golf carts several times a day for the rest of our natural lives.
Matt: Isn't that a Ponzi scheme, bro?
Barry: Fonzie has nothing to do with this, Matthew. He drives a motorcycle.
Andy: Not a Fonzie scheme, dude, Ponzi. And that's exactly what this is.
Barry: Not at all. All we got to do is swipe hundreds, if not thousands, of golf carts to keep our scam alive until we grow old and our children take our place!
Geoff: You really need to go to your sister about this.

Quote from Murray

Adam: He likes replacing batteries.
Barry: And checking the mail.
Beverly: Okay, you're not helping.
Erica: Oh, and turning the lights off.
Barry: And screaming at us for not turning the lights off.
Beverly: Always being annoyed is not a hobby.
Adam: He also screams when we slide around in socks.
Murray: Hey, stitches aren't free.