Erica Quote #204

Quote from Erica in Agassi

Beverly: You stole my credit card to pay for a party?
Erica: No idea what you're talking about.
Beverly: Uh, hello? "Erica Goldberg's Valentine's Day Disco is Dead Party"! Your name is right there.
Erica: Oh, that's the other Erica Goldberg in school. I'm Erica F. Goldberg.
Beverly: No, that's Adam's stupid thing! And nobody cares about his dumb feud with the other Adam, anyway.


 ‘Agassi’ Quotes

Quote from Erica

Lainey: We've all come together to say that we want the old Erica back.
Andy: Yeah, we want the Erica from the last three years. You know, you were so confident and talented.
Naked Rob: But this year, you're weak and sad and boy-crazy.
Erica: Thank you for that honest assessment, Barry's interchangeable friends.
Naked Rob: Ouch.
Andy: I know. I get it.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Come on, our home movies always come first. You know the saying flicks before chicks.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Oh, my poor sweetie. I'll be in your little movie.
Adam: No. Stop right there.
Beverly: [singing as Marilyn Monroe] Happy Birthday to you.