Beverly Quote #589

Quote from Beverly in Han Ukkah Solo

Principal Ball: You can't have a holiday concert without any Cha-nukkah songs. Just pick another one.
Ms. Cinoman: Sure, Earl. Uh, how about one of the famous ones recorded by, oh, I don't know, - Barry Manilow or Neil Diamond?
Principal Ball: Perfect.
Ms. Cinoman: They only did Christmas songs. Even they knew what the audience wanted.
Principal Ball: Well, look, if you don't do any Cha-nukkah songs, then you can't do any Christmas songs, either.
Beverly: Okay, this is going off the rails. If we can't mention the holidays, what are the kids supposed to sing about?
Principal Ball: Oh, I don't know. The weather? Mittens? The damn plow guy that always skips your street?


 ‘Han Ukkah Solo’ Quotes

Quote from Pops

Adam: What am I watching?!
Pops: Come on. The duck is like E.T. He just wants to go home.
Adam: Then how come he's spending so much time managing that band?
Murray: Al, the duck's gonna make it with that lady. What have you brought us to?
Pops: A family film. It's a family film.
Adam: I can't watch this anymore.
Murray: Well, then let's go.
Adam: Really? We can do that?
Murray: It's about time you learned that an adult can walk out of anything and demand his damn money back. I do it once a year. Let's go.
Pops: Adam, no! It's not that bad. A lady and a duck in bed? Who the [bleep] thought this was a good idea?

Quote from Adam

Adam: After I watched that Star Wars special, I've been re-evaluating all the things I loved as a child.
Pops: Don't do that.
Adam: All the movies I worship have come into question.
Pops: Don't do that.
Adam: Short Circuit 2, Time Bandits, and don't even get me started on Jaws 4: The Revenge.
Pops: Stop right there. I know you love that movie.
Adam: Until now! Why would a shark swim from New England to The Bahamas to eat a lady whose husband killed his shark friend?
Pops: Sharks have feelings, too.
Adam: "This time, it's personal." How's that possible? It's a fish! Fish don't hold grudges.
Pops: Oh, so now you're a shark expert.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Wow. That was so cool.
Murray: Were we watching two different things?
Adam: You don't know Star Wars. This special is really for the true fan.
Murray: So, the true fan wants to watch Dorothy from The Golden Girls flirt with an alien?
Adam: Uh, okay, I admit it was an odd choice to have Bea Arthur manage the cantina. Let's just move on.
Murray: And what's the deal with Lumpy and Itchy?
Adam: Chewie's family had to be named something.
Murray: Lumpy and Itchy? Couldn't they have spent 15 more seconds on the names?
Adam: I don't know! And I don't know why Art Carney is a family friend or why Jefferson Starship is performing for the Empire.
Murray: Starship's in their name. That one actually makes sense to me.
Adam: Let's never speak of this again.