Bill Lewis Quote #5

Quote from Bill Lewis in Ho-ly K.I.T.T.

Bill Lewis: Oh, well, maybe we should do a little Pepsi challenge. Put our birds side by side. Winner takes all.
Beverly: We're not having a cook-off, okay? You're a guest in my home. I couldn't embarrass you like that.
Bill Lewis: Ooh! Sounds like someone's scared. Maybe you should be cooking a chicken instead! Ba-gawk!


 ‘Ho-ly K.I.T.T.’ Quotes

Quote from Adam

Adam: There's two Adam Goldbergs. One of us uses an F to differentiate.

Quote from Adam

Adam: I was wrong. There can be two. Like how there are two Adam Goldbergs in my school.

Quote from Beverly

Barry: I can't believe you! What kind of monster won't let her own son abandon his entire family on Thanksgiving?
Beverly: You left me no choice. You know I would literally die if I didn't have all my children here for Thanksgiving. Is that what you want, to bury your mother on Thanksgiving?