Beverly Quote #1680

Quote from Beverly in Blade Runner: The Musical

Beverly: There's my Andrew Lloyd Treasure.
Adam: Flowers typically are given after we open.
Beverly: Oh, I don't need an occasion to throw roses to my maestro. Next stop, Broadway. Next, next stop, the Tony Awards. And then I corner Streisand and force her to be best friends, and then we swap clothes, and she gets all jealous because I wore them better.
Adam: Probably none of that, but thanks for believing in me, Mama.
Beverly: Aww, it's what a good mama does. Pulls her baby back from the dinner-theater abyss and lets him shine again in front of a room full of children.
Adam: Ignoring the specifics, I really think this might be the greatest thing I've ever made.
Beverly: Well, you're the greatest thing I've ever made, right here, in my Adam factory.


 ‘Blade Runner: The Musical’ Quotes

Quote from Naked Rob

Naked Rob: And being naked is not as easy as it used to be. I have a court date. I'm not totally sure I'm allowed to be with your baby.
Erica: I feel like that's something you should've mentioned earlier.

Quote from Andy

Andy: I just turned 22 and I haven't had a relationship besides the will-they-won't-they tension I have with my grandma's in-home healthcare worker.

Quote from Matt

Matt: Wait. You think we don't worry about stuff? After four years, I'm still folding red jeans at the Gap. I was there when the mannequins had heads. I've seen it all.