Murray Quote #912

Quote from Murray in Cocoon

Adult Adam: [v.o.] As my Cocoon plan went kerplunk, my mom was still in the deep end of her legal battle.
Beverly: Look at us burning the midnight oil, noshing on chow mein, just like real lawyers.
Erica: It's 9:30 in the morning. No one wants Chinese food.
Murray: Speak for yourself.


 ‘Cocoon’ Quotes

Quote from Pops

Adam: I can't believe you did that for me.
Pops: It wasn't just for you, kiddo. As much as you miss the young Pops, I miss him, too.
Adam: Just so you know, I'm okay with just sorting coins. As long as I can be with you.
Pops: That's good. Because I'm not gonna be doing much moving for a while.
Adam: Do you remember the end of Cocoon, when all the older people leave Earth to go to that planet where they can be young forever? Would you take that deal?
Pops: And miss hanging with my best friend? Not a chance.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Thanks to Pops, I picked up a thing or two over the years. Eventually, we all slow down. But it doesn't matter if you're growing older or growing up. The important thing is to appreciate the victories. In the end, every moment is worth savoring. And no matter what stage of life you're in, a fountain of youth will never be as magical as time spent with the ones you love.

Quote from Barry

Adam: Hey, guys! I'm just here to return... Oh, my God! What happened to your skin?
Barry: It's gorgeous, right?
Andy: Ha!
Barry: As pro body builders now, it's important to enhance our jacked musculature with a beautiful bronze hue.
Adam: That is not bronze.
Andy: That's because we went to the roof without any sunscreen. We're beet red now, but it should settle into a lovely mahogany.
Naked Rob: It's so worth it.
Matt: You have third-degree burns.
Barry: You're just jealous 'cause your skin isn't this glorious chestnut. Now, watch my bi's and tri's dance as I bring a little body oil to the party. Ow!
Adam: I'll get the aloe vera.

Quote from Beverly

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While Pops turned back the clock, it was time for my mom to face off with her publisher.
Pamela: Good afternoon, I'm Pamela Reingold, and I'll be your mediator today.
Beverly: It is an honor, Your Honor. May I approach the bench?
Pamela: I'm not a judge, and this is a conference table.
Beverly: Still, I'd like to file a motion to dismiss.
Erica: Dismiss what? You're the one that wanted this.
Beverly: Well, then, tell me what to say, because the only legal jargon I know is from TV and movies.
Erica: Me, too.
Beverly: Your Honor, on the advice of my counsel, uh, the jury should disregard my testimony.
Pamela: There's also no jury. It's just you, me, this lady, and that man.