Barry Quote #1067

Quote from Barry in Island Time

Barry: Ahh. There's my better half. I had an amazing time last night, Mrs. Me.
Ren: [chuckles] Dude, nobody's around. You don't have to act like that. Oh, and I asked around at the pool, and everybody says that Señor Snake is the best club to hook up.
Barry: Hook up? As in search out other people we would kiss that wouldn't be each other?
Ren: That's a long road, but yeah. Whoa. You look kinda sick. Are you sure you don't have what Erica has?
Barry: I've never felt better. Sure, we spent all night talking and connecting so I'll know exactly what kind of strangers you'll want to kiss. Let's club.


 ‘Island Time’ Quotes

Quote from Adam

Mr. Perott: Adam, these scores are not so hot. I thought nerds were good at math.
Adam: I'm more of a geek. W‐ We're still social and physical klutzes with quirky personalities, but we have intense passions for fringe interests.
Mr. Perott: And what's a dweeb?
Adam: Look, it's a rich continuum of discomfort, but what should I do about my test scores?

Quote from Murray

Beverly: So?
Murray: Why have we never been to Portugal?
Beverly: Who gives a crap about Portugal? How'd it go with Adam's guidance counselor?
Murray: I think Adam's gonna spend about a year figuring it out.
Beverly: What?! No, you were supposed to be the bad cop!
Murray: You know, I've never been barefoot on anything but tile. Tile, Bevy! It's no way to live!

Quote from Beverly

Adam: Inside this envelope is my PSAT scores.
Beverly: The warm‐up test before the real test. Oh! The stakes have never been higher.
Pops: That sounds wrong, but sure.
Beverly: What's in this envelope could guarantee a full ride to an ivy or shame you into a state school, where your friends will be dentists, newspaper writers, and, God forbid, teachers.