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Season 10, Episode 12 -  Aired January 18, 2023

Beverly misses the signals when her school league Mr. Perott asks her out on a date. Meanwhile, Adam is stunned when Dave Kim writes a comedic masterpiece, Amadoofus.

Quote from Adam

Geoff: Adam has something he'd like to say.
Brea: So does Dave Kim, actually.
Adam: I'm so sorry!
Dave Kim: No, I'm sorry!
Adam: Your script is amazing!
Dave Kim: Your script is amazing!
Adam: I've been a terrible friend!
Dave Kim: I've been a terrible human.
Brea: Okay, they both know they suck.
Geoff: Yeah, we can let them take it from here.


Quote from Adam

Adam: It was just... hard seeing you thrive at something I always thought was my thing.
Dave Kim: It is your thing. You're the funniest writer I know.
Adam: Well, you're pretty good, too, Dave Kim. And you know what? Maybe next year, when we're both at NYU, we can work on something together.
Dave Kim: That would be amazing.
Adam: Great. But before all that, let's finish your Amadoofus?
Dave Kim: I would really love that.

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