Will Quote #1746

Quote from Will in I, Stank Hole in One

Philip: You don't think I was too rough on Ashley?
Will: Are you tripping? You are the leader of the pack. It is your right. No, no, no. Scratch that. It is your duty as a male to assert your dominance. There, I said it, your dominance.
Philip: Really? Because your Aunt Vivian wasn't as supportive of my approach.
Will: Your approach? Man, I got one thing to say about your approach: Woof, woof, woof. You are the king of the jungle, Mufasa.
Philip: Yes, I am. Yes, I am.
Will: You are the ruler of all that you survey.
Philip: Yes.
Will: You will be obeyed!
Philip: I will be obeyed!
Will: That's right.
Philip: Yes. [as Ashley walks by] Hi, sweetie, you look awfully pretty. Well, I guess I showed her.
Will: You ain't nothing but Simba.


 ‘I, Stank Hole in One’ Quotes

Quote from Hilary

Hilary: I'm so excited. I just know I'm gonna win. I have a system that can't miss.
Will: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Hilary: I bet on every horse.
Will: Hilary, one of them has to win.
Hilary: I know and it doesn't matter which one. Isn't it great?

Quote from Geoffrey

Will: Hey, G, we're going down to the race track today, man. You wanna put a couple of ones on a bet?
Geoffrey: Well, I'm not much of a gambler, Master William, but since you're going... Back wheel the eighth with the one on top of the two, three and six. And in the fifth, par tri the three eight with the two and five.
Will: You got yourself a secret life going, don't you, G?

Quote from Nicky

Nicky: Mommy and Daddy won't let me watch Bad Boys.
Will: Bad Boys, huh? What you gonna do?
Nicky: I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna run away from home.
Will: Oh, Nick. Man, come here. You're running away from home?
Nicky: That's right. I'm out of here.
Will: Whoa, whoa. Hold on a second, there, little traveling man. You running away from home, you gonna need some food. You know, bums, they don't like to share. Here you go, a little grub. Hey, and it gets a little chilly out in that night air so you probably need a jacket and a hat. Yeah. Oh, you know. And here's a few bucks, you know, in case something jump off out there. All right. You good to go, little bro.
Nicky: Aren't you gonna try and stop me?
Will: Try to stop you? No, man, with you gone that's more food for me, you know. Plus, I get to keep your turtle and that banging little bike you got.
Nicky: My turtle and my bike?
Will: I mean, somebody gotta claim all that stuff. All right, I'll stay. But not because I'm scared. Not because you're taking my stuff. And not because of that reverse psychology you tried to use on me.
Will: Well, then why you gonna stay?
Nicky: I'm 5, you dork.