Will Quote #1672
Quote from Will in Boxing Helena
Helena: Sounds like you're saying you wanna put on some gloves and spar with me.
Will: No. How'd it sound like that? Heh, heh, heh.
Helena: You don't want to?
Will: Oh, no. You know what? My mom told me never hit a lady.
Helena: Because you're not fast enough?
Will: [screams] Ah! That's a good one. That's a good one. Now take it back.
Helena: I don't think so. [jabs Will]
Will: Ooh. [nasally voice] No need to go there.
Helena: You're right. [jabs him again]
Will: [normal voice] Ooh. That one actually hurt a little. Look here, Helena, I was thinking- [she punches him in the stomach] Ugh! Shoot. [pained voice] Now it's on.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Quotes
‘Boxing Helena’ Quotes
Quote from Nicky
Will: Never in the history of pugilistic pursuit has one so completely dominated. Muhammad, what do you have to say?
Nicky: I'm the greatest and I'm pretty. You know I made you, Howard.
Philip: What is going on here?
Will: Oh, you know, the family vowed to get in shape for the new year, so we gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna take Nicky and put him in a boxing class.
Philip: Oh, that's fine. Just make sure he learns that boxing is about athleticism and sportsmanship, not violence.
Nicky: [punching the inflatable] Now I'm gonna get medieval on you.
Will: We ain't really get to the sportsmanship part yet.
Quote from Philip
Will: Well, hey, Uncle Phil, why don't you come to the gym with us?
Philip: Oh, I'd love to, I really would, but I have so much work to do on the trial this morning.
Will: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Philip: Okay, okay, fine. I'm not going because I don't want to. And you can't make me.
Quote from Geoffrey
Carlton: Geoffrey, what do you think? Honestly.
Geoffrey: I think it's the most ridiculous costume I've ever seen.
[Ashley comes downstairs in her hot dog uniform]
Geoffrey: I stand corrected.
Will: Hey, Ashley. All ready for your first day at work?
Ashley: What was I thinking telling Daddy I'd pay for half my car? I feel like a dork. And I have to wear this same stupid uniform day after day after day.
Geoffrey: Gee, wouldn't that suck?