Will Quote #1671
Quote from Will in Boxing Helena
Will: Big Nick, what's up, man? How's your boxing lesson?
Nicky: Great. Helena said I was the best in the class.
Will: Helena? Wait a minute, you're the boxing instructor?
Helena: You got a problem with that?
Will: Oh, no, no. You know, cute little gloves, nice tight little outfit. Works for you, cutie.
Helena: Now, there's a typical male attitude.
Will: Oh, no, no, no. No disrespect. I'm just saying, you know, female boxers ain't exactly common. Ain't nobody ever heard of Muhammad Ali Sheedy, you know. You know, it's Sonny Liston, it's not Sonny and Cher Liston. You know what I'm saying.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Quotes
‘Boxing Helena’ Quotes
Quote from Nicky
Will: Never in the history of pugilistic pursuit has one so completely dominated. Muhammad, what do you have to say?
Nicky: I'm the greatest and I'm pretty. You know I made you, Howard.
Philip: What is going on here?
Will: Oh, you know, the family vowed to get in shape for the new year, so we gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna take Nicky and put him in a boxing class.
Philip: Oh, that's fine. Just make sure he learns that boxing is about athleticism and sportsmanship, not violence.
Nicky: [punching the inflatable] Now I'm gonna get medieval on you.
Will: We ain't really get to the sportsmanship part yet.
Quote from Philip
Will: Well, hey, Uncle Phil, why don't you come to the gym with us?
Philip: Oh, I'd love to, I really would, but I have so much work to do on the trial this morning.
Will: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Philip: Okay, okay, fine. I'm not going because I don't want to. And you can't make me.
Quote from Geoffrey
Carlton: Geoffrey, what do you think? Honestly.
Geoffrey: I think it's the most ridiculous costume I've ever seen.
[Ashley comes downstairs in her hot dog uniform]
Geoffrey: I stand corrected.
Will: Hey, Ashley. All ready for your first day at work?
Ashley: What was I thinking telling Daddy I'd pay for half my car? I feel like a dork. And I have to wear this same stupid uniform day after day after day.
Geoffrey: Gee, wouldn't that suck?