Will Quote #629

Quote from Will in P.S. I Love You

Vivian: Will, it came from Lindsey, didn't it? Now, what I want to know is what does she get in return?
Will: All the rides she wants, Aunt Viv.
Vivian: Will, you are acting like a pimp.
Will: Come on, hold up now. That is totally unfair, Aunt Viv. If a man was buying a woman all these gifts nobody would have anything to say about it, right?
Vivian: No, honey, it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. If you don't care for someone, you shouldn't accept gifts. And it diminishes you every time you accept something from Lindsey. Now you were not raised that way, boy, and you know it. Now you know what you need to do, don't you?
Will: Yeah, put out. I know, I know. I got to give all this stuff back.
Vivian: And?
Will: And got to be honest with her.
Vivian: And you know that's right.
Will: [to himself] If I keep the bike, I'm a pimp. If I give it back, I'm a damn fool. Well, pimp it is.


 ‘P.S. I Love You’ Quotes

Quote from Geoffrey

Will: Yo, G, here's the whipped cream you wanted for dinner.
Geoffrey: Who said it was for dinner?

Quote from Hilary

Philip: Here's Judge Robertson at that big student anti-war rally, remember? He was the only professor that had guts enough to go up against the administration.
Hilary: I can't believe it.
Philip: Trust me, Hilary. He was a great man and a hell of a lawyer.
Hilary: No, I mean, that those women didn't shave under their arms.

Quote from Geoffrey

Ashley: Geoffrey, you look great today. Have you done something different with your hair?
Geoffrey: Yes. I stopped pulling it out. What are you selling?
Ashley: Okay, I'm hawking candy bars. They're only $5.
Geoffrey: Marvelous. With what I'm paid I should be able to afford one by the end of the day.
Carlton: [to Will] You poor, pathetic gigolo. How could any self-respecting man sell himself so cheap?
Geoffrey: Like I don't hear enough of that from my mother.
Carlton: I was talking to Will.
Geoffrey: Of course. Why would anyone talk to me? I am but a poor, lowly servant.